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Updated: August 27, 2024

This fruit, which at Caracas is placed among linen, as in Europe it is in snuff, under the name of tonca, or Tonquin bean, is regarded as poisonous. It is a false notion, very general in the province of Cumana, that the excellent liqueur fabricated at Martinique owes its peculiar flavour to the jape.

We've come to jape with you. Come on, Beetle. They're all at home. You can wind 'em." "Where's the Pomposo Stinkadore? 'Tisn't safe for a pure-souled, high-minded boy to be seen round his house these days. Gone out, has he? Never mind. I'll do the best I can, Rattray. I'm in loco parentis just now." "I have a few words to impart to you, my young friend. We will discourse together a while."

Indeed, it is only there that he finds them at all. A thing that is labelled 'comic' chills his sense of humour instantly perceptibly lengthens his face. A joke that has not a serious background, or some serious connexion, means nothing to him. Nothing to him, the crude jape of the professional jester. Nothing to him, the jangle of the bells in the wagged cap, the thud of the swung bladder.

He was yet laughing over his jape when Ianthe returned, and produced from under a napkin some large, thick biscuits, peculiarly reticulated. Gabriel looked at them curiously. "Knowest thou not Passover cakes?" asked Dom Diego. Gabriel shook his head. "Thou hast never eaten unleavened bread?" "Unleavened bread! Ah, I was reading thereof in the Pentateuch but yesterday.

Jane saved the situation. I had not noticed her absence. "Honey, I don't believe in any of those spirit-rising liquors even when you faint, but I made this jape gruice right off our own vine and fig tree and I know it's pure and innocent. Yes, Zura, grape juice is what I said. The twist in Jane Gray's tongue might lead to laughter, but her heart never missed the road to thoughtful kindness.

It is an old jape but not such a bad one: our friend Murray Hill will never return to the status quo ante Belloc. But we were speaking of Vesey Street. It looks down to the water, and the soft music of steamship whistles comes tuning on a cold, gusty air. Perhaps it is the presence of the graveyard that has startled Vesey Street into a curious reversal of custom.

They love talking and counsel of such children as they be, and void company of old men. They keep no counsel, but they tell all that they hear or see. Suddenly they laugh, and suddenly they weep. Always they cry, jangle, and jape; that unneth they be still while they sleep. When they be washed of filth, anon they defile themselves again.

One of the smoking-room humorists mocked his accent and ventured a crude jape. "You can save the price of a hack-ride by going to Mrs. Biltmore's new boarding-house. It's right across the road from the depot." If Adna had been as keen as he thought he was, or if the porter had not alarmed him just then by his affectionate interest, even Adna would have noted the grins on the faces of the men.

A public lickin' ain't in it with a gentle jape. Bet a bob you'll weep an' promise anything." "Look here, young Beetle, we'll half kill you when we get up. I'll promise you that, at any rate." "You're going to be half killed first, though. Did you give Clewer Head-knuckles?" "Did you give Clewer Head-knuckles?" McTurk echoed.

Don't you remember the scapegrace with whom, for a jape, you waylaid my uncle the Cardinal and robbed him, then sold him back his jewelled watch for a year's indulgences?" "But no, no," answered the man, crossing himself quickly, and by the dim lanthorn light peering into the visitor's face, "it is not possible, monsieur.

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