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Updated: July 31, 2024

"I haven't told Dr. Lavendar about last night," William said; "but if you have no objection I would like to just hint at at a reason. He would know how entirely blameless you were." "Oh, no! please, please, don't!" she said. And William King winced at his own clumsiness; her reticence made him feel as if he had been guilty of an impropriety, almost of an indelicacy.

It was also an objection to the resolution that it prescribed the terms on which alone a treaty should be made, and was, consequently, an infringement of the right of the executive to negotiate, and an indelicacy to that department. The resolution having undergone some modifications, a bill in conformity with it was brought in and carried by a considerable majority.

Her daring tongue stopped at very little, but it had the gift of suggestion, which always saved her stories or repartees from indelicacy or vulgarity. Margaret, who had offered him nothing but friendship, stood out in his mind as one of the women with whom it was a privilege for any man to be on intimate terms. In his thoughts of her, Margaret was high and strong and pure.

A trace of artificial color on her face and the indelicacy of her dress but slightly counteracted Lane's first impression. "You promised to call me up and make a date," she said, and sat down close to him. "Yes. I meant it too. But Bessy, I was ill, and then I forgot. You didn't miss much." "Hot dog! Hear the man. Daren, I'd throw the whole bunch down to be with you," she exclaimed.

He was driven to balance judgments, to hesitate in replies, to search his own heart, as perhaps never before. Artificial good humour, affected interest, mock sympathy, were as far from her as was the least taint of indelicacy; every word she uttered rang true, and her very phrases had that musical fall which only associates itself with beautiful and honest thought.

She asked me what my views in life were. Ah, thought I, now it's coming; and I answered modestly that everything depended on circumstances. I might have said it depended on the demand for brass bedsteads; but perhaps that would have verged on indelicacy you know that I am delicacy personified.

"What's got into your head now?" "I don't know," Sara Lee replied vaguely. "I just What's the use?" Aunt Harriet was conscious of a hazy impression of indelicacy. Coming from Sara Lee it was startling and revolutionary.

"How can you, dear mamma, pronounce his name so tout an long?" "Pardon my indelicacy, my dear; delicacy is a good thing, but truth a better. I have seen the happiness of many young women sacrificed by such false delicacy, and by the fear of giving a moment's present pain, which it is sometimes the duty of a true friend to give."

If you never knew it before, allow me to inform you that YOUR love gives you no claim to MINE; and when a woman has the indelicacy to thrust herself upon a man who has never sought her, she must expect to be despised and humbled to the dust. And now, madame, as I still have the misfortune to be your husband, listen to my commands.

Of this inconsistency and impropriety Talleyrand was well aware; but audacity on one side, and endurance and submission on the other, had so often disregarded these considerations before, that he saw no indelicacy or impertinence in the proposal.

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