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He went on speaking slowly, evenly, gently, impersonally, telling what had been the case of Miss Lady upon the very night preceding; telling how great was the stress of events at the head of the Delta, very far away, and impossible now of access. He made no offer of pecuniary reward, but stated his case simply and asked his auditor to put himself in his own position.

DuQuesne, however, would have tortured me impersonally and scientifically cold and self-contained all the while and using the most efficient methods, and I am sure he would have got it out of me some way. He always gets what he goes after." "Oh, come, Miss Spencer!" Dorothy interrupted the half-hysterical girl. "You're too hard on him. Didn't you see him knock Perkins down when he came after me?"

Behind her husband, Mama Joy flashed at him a look he did not try to interpret of a truth it was rather complex, with a little of several emotions and he lifted his hat a half-inch from his forehead in deference to her sex. Flora, he thanked God dully, he did not see at all. He stayed perhaps ten minutes listening impersonally to Bridger, who talked loudly and enthusiastically of his plans.

For Bud, save when the liquor conquered him, was a kindly soul; even lovable as a faithful dog might be, though of that canine virtue people thought less than of his occasional rabies. He had talked with Alexander always impersonally a scant half dozen times in his life but since boyhood he had dreamed of her as a peasant may dream of exalted nobility and his life had never known any other dream.

"Why do you call me Stanhope, Hackley? My name happens to be Laurence Varney." Mr. Hackley's gaze never relaxed. "Chuck it," he said without emotion. "A sensible and eddicated man," he added impersonally, "never lies when a lie couldn't do him no good. If I was you, Stanhope, I wouldn't lose a minute in cuttin' loose from this town." "If I were Stanhope, I daresay I wouldn't either.

And I hope I'm wrong but I have the conviction that this head is going to be the best thing I shall ever do. I can look at it quite impersonally, because half the time it seems to model itself. I think it's going to be good. If it is good, it will be one of those lucky series of accidents that sometimes happen to undeserving but lucky people." Dr.

"I've chiefly to do with his relation to me. In that he's excellent." "He's the incarnation of taste," Ralph went on, thinking hard how he could best express Gilbert Osmond's sinister attributes without putting himself in the wrong by seeming to describe him coarsely. He wished to describe him impersonally, scientifically. "He judges and measures, approves and condemns, altogether by that."

The answer is, frankly, that we do not yet know surely; that we are still too near Tennyson to judge him impersonally. This much, however, is clear. In a marvelously complex age, and amid a hundred great men, he was regarded as a leader.

I was pretty well dazed where I sat beside that girl I knew I ought to find out about, and her nearness did not help me to ask her ugly questions. If she had not been Dudley's, but I broke the thought short off. I said to myself impersonally that it was impossible for a girl to do any monkey tricks about the La Chance gold with a man like me. Yet I wondered if she meant to try!

"And you needn't laugh," she added. The Candy Man disclaimed any thought of such a thing. He was profoundly serious. "It is really a great idea," he said. "A human agency whose benefits could be received as we receive those of Nature or Providence as impersonally." She nodded appreciatively. "You understand."