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She generally talked to me without looking at me, nodding and smiling meanwhile to people around. I have met many women equally ill-mannered, and without her excuse. For a moment, however, she turned her eyes to mine. "Where's your friend, Mr. Harjohn?" she asked. "I thought you were inseparables." I looked at her in astonishment. "He is dining out to-night," I replied.

The difference between them and the masses is very pronounced, and they appreciate the difference to the fullest extent. They are educated, well-bred gentlemen. The coolie and lower class are an ignorant, repulsive and ill-mannered people. They seem to be mere brutes, and not a gleam of intelligence is apparent in their dull, expressionless faces.

Then Tsunéhei, who up to that time had demeaned himself very humbly, in his eagerness to get back the football, jumped up in a fury, and said "I made ample apologies to you for my carelessness, and now you have insulted and struck me. Ill-mannered ruffian! take back the ball, I'll none of it;" and he drew his dirk, and cutting the football in two, threw it at Zempachi, and returned home.

Then came a flock of Quakers, who wished to enter with their hats on, but were turned away for being so ill-mannered. After them some of the barn- folk, who had been there only a short while, began to speak: "We have the same statute book as ye have," they averred, "and therefore show us our privileged place."

'I didn't know of this, he proceeded, 'when we met that day in the gardens, and when I made you so angry. 'I wasn't disposed to jest about what had happened. 'But neither was I. You quite misunderstood me. Will you tell me how that unpleasantness came to an end? 'Oh yes. I admitted that I had been ill-mannered and obstinate. 'How delightful! Obstinate?

I confessed my ignorance; and, as Lewis at Bellombre said of that ill-mannered Power, I had a great deal to confess. What I knew was, that in "American Anecdotes" an anonymous writer said a friend of his had seen the air among some Roundhead songs in the collection of a friend of his at Cheltenham, and that this air was the basis of Yankee Doodle. What was more, there was the old air printed.

It commenced "On a Steam- boat," and terminated "At the Doctor's"; its longest chapter being devoted to conversation in a railway carriage, among, apparently, a compartment load of quarrelsome and ill-mannered lunatics: "Can you not get further away from me, sir?" "It is impossible, madam; my neighbour, here, is very stout" "Shall we not endeavour to arrange our legs?"

There was a tremendous concussion of wheels and shafts, a crash of broken panes, a stamping and struggling of horses; and, above all this din, the frantic oaths of the coachmen that had suffered from the collision. "What do you mean, you ill-mannered churl! What do you mean by driving in front of my horses?" cried a loud and angry voice.

His Holiness should have appeared precisely at twelve, but we waited nearly half an hour beyond that time; and it seemed to me particularly ill-mannered in the pope, who owes the courtesy of being punctual to the people, if not to St. Peter.

Thereupon Brahma, in great wrath at his insolence, and on the very point of cursing that deliberately ill-mannered sage, was nevertheless appeased by him, by means of excuses and apologies. And so, leaving him appeased, Bhrigu proceeded further on, and coming to Kailás, enquired for Maheshwara.