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Here, Hurtle," I said, drawing him toward the pitcher's box, "don't pay any attention to their talk. That's only the fun of ball players. Go in now and practice a little. Lam a few over." Hurtle's big freckled hands closed nervously over the ball. I thought it best not to say more to him, for he had a rather wild look. I remembered my own stage fright upon my first appearance in fast company.

Mrs Pipkin knocked at Mrs Hurtle's door again. 'She's gone to bed, she said. 'I'm glad to hear it. There wasn't any noise about it; was there? 'Not as I expected, Mrs Hurtle, certainly. But she was put out a bit. Poor girl! I've been a girl too, and used to like a bit of outing as well as any one, and a dance too; only it was always when mother knew.

That's Mrs Hurtle's door open. You go and speak to her. She can talk a deal better nor me. 'Mrs Hurtle hasn't been able to manage her own affairs very well. 'Mrs Hurtle's a lady, Sir Felix, and a widow, and one as has seen the world. As she spoke, Mrs Hurtle came downstairs, and an introduction, after some rude fashion, was effected between her and Sir Felix.

He was bound after some fashion to have Paul put into prison; to bring him before a jury, and to get a verdict against him, so that some sentence of punishment might be at least pronounced. How then could he yield? And Paul Montague had shown himself to be very weak in regard to women. It might be, no doubt it was true, that Mrs Hurtle's appearance in England had been distressing to him.

Since he had first known Mrs Hurtle's name, when Paul Montague had told the story of his engagement on his return from America, Roger had regarded her as a wicked, intriguing, bad woman.

Then I breathed a long, deep breath; the first one for weeks. Something told me that with Hurtle's signature in my pocket I had the Eastern League pennant. Then I invited all concerned down to the Rickettsville hotel. We made connections at the railroad junction and reached Worcester at midnight in time for a good sleep. I took the silent and backward pitcher to my hotel.

Hetta had never heard Mrs Hurtle's name till she had given herself away, and had declared to all her friends that she had given herself away to this man, who was so unworthy of her. The more Roger thought of this, the more angry he was with Paul Montague, and the more convinced that that man had done him an injury which he could never forgive. But his grief extended even beyond that.

'Because, you know, said Mrs Hurtle, 'she must stay here really, till Mr Crumb comes and takes her away. Mrs Pipkin expressed her opinion that Ruby was a 'baggage' and John Crumb a 'soft. Mrs Pipkin was perhaps a little jealous at the interest which her lodger took in her niece, thinking perhaps that all Mrs Hurtle's sympathies were due to herself.

It was not an hour since Paul himself had referred him to her for corroboration of his own statement. 'Sir Felix Carbury, she said, 'I am afraid you are doing that poor girl no good, and are intending to do her none. It did occur to him very strongly that this could be no affair of Mrs Hurtle's, and that he, as a man of position in society, was being interfered with in an unjustifiable manner.

Paul, whose mind was altogether intent on his own troubles, declared that at present he knew nothing about Sir Felix, and was then shown into Mrs Hurtle's room. 'So you have come, she said, without rising from her chair. 'Of course I came, when you desired it. 'I don't know why you should. My wishes do not seem to affect you much.