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Updated: August 6, 2024

"The Bard," who was anxiously awaiting the result of the foraging expedition ventured outside to meet him. When he beheld the prize, he exclaimed, in a whisper, "Good for you! But you look like a murderer caught red-handed." His own words, almost before they left his lips, suggested to him an idea for a mammoth hoax the best they had tried yet, he told himself.

"MY DEAR CORNELIA I was married this morning to Lady Isabel Vane, and hasten briefly to acquaint you with the fact. I will write you more fully to-morrow or the next day, and explain all things. "Your ever affectionate brother, "It is a hoax," was the first gutteral sound that escaped from Miss Carlyle's throat when speech came to her. Mr. Dill only stood like a stone image.

Up to this time, though utterly amazed at the entrance of these people into my chamber, and connecting them somewhat with the wild stories I had heard in the garden, I still had a sort of indefinite idea that the whole thing was a masquerading freak got up in my absence, and that the bacchanalian orgie I was witnessing was nothing more than a portion of some elaborate hoax of which I was to be the victim.

In his message to Mburuma he even said that Mobala, and all the villages beyond, were utterly destroyed by our fire-arms, but the sight of Mobala himself, who had come to the village of Selole, led the brother of Mburuma to see at once that it was all a hoax. But for this, the foolish fellow Selole might have given us trouble.

Morris had told him. "But you hired the guy!" Bud protested. "And Sandy and I talked to his agent!" Tom was already piecing together the mystery. He shook his head thoughtfully. "I'm sure now the whole deal was a hoax, Bud," he declared. "Both the first call that supposedly came from Lester Morris, and the second one asking me to come here and talk things over."

In the scoutmaster's favor were the two pieces of physical evidence we couldn't explain, the holes burned in the cap and the charred grass roots. The deputy sheriff who had first told me about the scoutmaster's Marine and prison record had also said, "Maybe this is the one time in his life he's telling the truth, but I doubt it." So did we; we wrote off the incident as a hoax.

Tilton was the first to announce a belief that the book was a hoax. I quote from his article: "Remaining a while on our table unread, our attention was specially called to it by noticing how savagely certain newspapers were abusing it." "The authorship of the pamphlet is a well-kept secret; at least it is unknown to us.

"'I have made up my mind, sir, continued he; 'it is possible the officers of this corps may look more leniently than I do upon this transaction; but know it they shall. "'Out with it, Sparks; tell it by all means! cried a number of voices; for it was clear to every one, by this time, that he was involved in a hoax.

Discharging cargo in the furnace of Coco Inlet, if my thoughts went back to Taai, it was almost with the deprecating amusement a man will feel who has been had by a hoax. I give you my word, when at noon of the thirteenth day the mountain of Taai stood up once more beyond the bows, I was weary of the fantasy.

And he blacked old Barker's eye with considerable spirit. But I don't see what a man can expect when he fights against arithmetic, to say nothing of civilisation. And what a wonderful hoax all this military genius is! I suspect I've just discovered what Cromwell discovered, that a sensible tradesman is the best general, and that a man who can buy men and sell men can lead and kill them.

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