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It was not wise to cast the Minister of Military and Internal Peace so upon his digestion, which is to him important. But without doubt you are distinguished and experienced, especially the Senor David. They will not look for you perhaps here, which is over my apartments, but will attack, it may be, the ship of your coming here, and in that way be imbecile and foolish." "Hivins!" says Flannagan.

A marrid man's a person with a limited affection a protictionist an' anti-expansionist, a mugwump, be hivins. 'Tis th' bachelor that's keepin' alive th' rivrince f'r th' sect. "Whin I was a young man, ye cud search fr'm wan end iv th' town to th' other f'r me akel with th' ladies. Ye niver see me in them days, but 'twas me had a rogue's eye an' a leg far beyant th' common r-run iv props.

Hivins on earth, don't ye know him?" "I don't," said Mr. McKenna; "and, if I know him, I haven't seen him." "Thin ye missed a sight," said Mr. Dooley. "He's ragin' an' tearin'. He have been a great union man. He'd sthrike on th' moment's provocation.

"Th' Witness. 'Set down, ye infamious ol' polthroon! says I. 'Set down an' pondher ye'er sins, I says. 'If ye had ye'er dues, ye'd be cooprin' a bar'l in th' pinitinchry. If ye're afraid iv th' Impror Willum, be hivins, ye want to be afraid iv th' Impror Dooley; f'r he's Dutch, an' I ain't. I'll raysume me speech.

Mary Ann was his wife. Her maiden name was Riley. She heard him say it. 'Gus, says she, 'if iver I hear iv ye shootin' e'er a king I'll lave ye, she says." "Well, sir, I thought he was jokin', but be hivins, wan day he disappeared, an' lo an' behold, two weeks afther I picks up a pa-aper an' r-reads that me brave Schmitt was took up be th' polis f'r thryin' to cop a monarch fr'm behind a three.

"Th' throuble with Dewey is he was so long away he lost his undherstanding iv th' thrue feelin' iv th' American people. George r- read th' newspapers, an' he says to himself: 'Be hivins, they think well iv what I done. I guess I'll put a shirt in me thrunk an' go home, f'r 'tis hot out here, an' ivrybody'll be glad f'r to see me, he says. An' he come along, an' New York was r-ready f'r him.

Then he clutched his hair, and waddled down the corridor, shrieking, and the purple dress began to gobble with her laughter. "Why," she says, in a mellow voice "Ho! ho! haw! haw! Why does the distinguished senor cast the Minister of Military and Internal Peace thus upon his digesting, immediately his too great meal thereafter?" "Hivins!" says Flannagan.

It was like living again the glorious days of the moonlighters and the rackrenters in dear old Ireland. The tale came to an abrupt end. "An' thin what happened?" cried Timothy. "Then," said the Russian quietly, "then it was Siberia." "Siberia! The Hivins be about us!" said Tim in an awed voice. "But ye got away?" "I am here," he replied simply. "Be the sowl of Moses, ye are!

"They marched on, an' th' British run away fr'm thim; an', be hivins, me uncle Mike cud niver get a shot at a redcoat, though he searched high an' low f'r wan.

Now jest kape yer mouth shut, Ned, an' we'll put a halter on this rooster. By hivins! when I git him I'll make him squale, too!" The seriousness of Porter's accident became clearer to Doctor Rathbone the following day. He imparted this information to Allis; told her that in all probability it would be weeks before her father would be strong again.