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But if ye had any sinse of dacency left, ye wouldn't let her shame her family and break her old mother's heart, and that for no purpose except to make her worse than she is already. What good can ye get out of it, now? What good can ye expect to come of it? Be hivins, if ye had any sinse at all I should think ye could see that for yerself.

"Oh, Hivins, Maria! That was the awfullest minute I ever lived through. Poor old E. G. W. S.! We all turned away from him, out of pity. He had the expression of a man that's fell down a hundred-foot prospect hole and been struck by lightning before he touched bottom. He grabbed aholt of the minister and swallered and swallered, unable to chirp. "At last he rallied.

"'Mon colonel, says a former minister iv th' Fr-rinch governmint, who was th' polisman at th' dure, 'Judge Crazy th' Boorepare is here, demandin' to be heard. "'Gr-reat hivins! says th' coort; an' they wint out through th' windows. "That night they was gr-reat excitement in Rennes. Th' citizens dhrivin home their cows cud har'ly make their way through th' excited throngs on th' sthreet.

Dooley, complacently. "Ye're an anti-expansionist." "If ye say that again," cried Mr. Dooley, angrily, "I'll smash in ye'er head." "What d'ye think iv th' war?" Mr. Hennessy asked. "I think I want to go out an' apologize to Shafter," said Mr. Dooley. "I'm like ivrybody else, be hivins, I thought war was like shootin' glass balls. I niver thought iv th' glass balls thrainin' a dinnymite gun on me.

"'I'm glad to hear ye say that, says th' gin'ral, 'If ye didn't, I'd rayjooce ye to th' r-ranks to-morrah. I niver see th' man befure; an', be hivins, I don't want to see him again. But I have a letter here fr'm him, askin' me if he cud knock off wurruk at four o'clock to go to his aunt's fun'ral. "'Cap, says th' prisident, 'what ye got to say to this? Did ye write th' letter?

An' it niver touched him no more thin it did anny wan else; an' thin they riscued him fr'm himsilf, an' locked him up in th' polis station an' fed him th' best they knew how. An' he wint on a lecther tour, an' here he is. Be hivins, I think he's more iv a hero now thin iver he was.

"Boy hivins and airth," he said, "but it's moyself that's itching to get at those lick-shpittle loyalists. Veeve lah Republeekh," he shouted, tossing his filthy hat, "and God save Oirland." "We must return, my men," Major Boulton said. "If these well-armed rebels were to come against us now, they would butcher us like sheep."

An' anny- how I'm goin' to apologize to Shafter. He may not have anny medals f'r standin' up in range iv th' guns but, be hivins, he niver dhrove his buckboard into a river occypied be th' formerly loathed Castile." Mr. Dooley was reading the war news not our war news but the war news we are interested in when Mr. Hennessy interrupted him to ask "What's a war expert?" "A war expert," said Mr.

But your ladyship won't be allowin' a triflin' incident to interfere wid enjoyin' the exhibition by me Japanese frinds of the mystherious art of ancient Asia, an' me that proud of your ladyship's approvin'!" "What can they do?" she says, looking interested, while the three Japanese bowed in a limber manner, and smiled thin and mystical Asiatic smiles. "Oh, hivins!" said Flannagan.

Nawthin' can stop it. Blood is thicker than wather; an' together, ar-rm in ar-rm, we'll spread th' light iv civilization fr'm wan end iv th' wurruld to th' other, no matther what you an' Schwartzmeister say, Hinnissy. "Be hivins, I like th' way me kinsmen acrost th' sea, as th' pa-apers say, threat us.