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Updated: August 1, 2024

"Must that be sae?" asked Jeanie, with an imploring voice. "Hout, ay, hinny," replied the turnkey; "and what the waur will you and your tittie be of Jim Ratcliffe hearing what ye hae to say to ilk other?

Sharpitlaw took a chair, and, commanding the turnkey to retire, he opened the conversation, endeavouring to throw into his tone and countenance as much commiseration as they were capable of expressing, for the one was sharp and harsh, the other sly, acute, and selfish. "How's a' wi' ye, Effie? How d'ye find yoursell, hinny?" A deep sigh was the only answer.

You are aware that the offspring of the ass and the horse, or rather of the he-ass and the mare, is what is called a mule; and, on the other hand, the offspring of the stallion and the she-ass is what is called a hinny. It is a very rare thing in this country to see a hinny. I never saw one myself; but they have been very carefully studied.

"Never mind, hinny Levitt," said the old woman; "you are a ruffler, and will have a' your ain gate She shanna gang to heaven an hour sooner for me; I carena whether she live or die it's her sister ay, her sister!" "Well, we'll say no more about it; I hear Tom coming in. We'll couch a hogshead,* and so better had you." * Lay ourselves down to sleep.

"I am like to be in no haste to do either the one or the other, Ailie, for I have some reasons for the present to conceal my being alive from every one but you; and as for the lairdship of Milnwood, it is in as good hands." "As gude hands, hinny!" re-echoed Ailie; "I'm hopefu' ye are no meaning mine? The rents and the lands are but a sair fash to me.

Oh, weary on the wars! mony 's the comely face they destroy. And when cam ye here, hinny? And where hae ye been? And what hae ye been doing? And what for did ye na write to us? And how cam ye to pass yoursell for dead? And what for did ye come creepin' to your ain house as if ye had been an unto body, to gie poor auld Ailie sic a start?" she concluded, smiling through her tears.

'Od, Captain, this is a queer place! they winna let ye out in the day, and they winna let ye sleep in the night. Deil, but it wad break my heart in a fortnight. But, Lordsake, what a racket they're making now! Od, I wish we had some light. Wasp, Wasp, whisht, hinny; whisht, my bonnie man, and let's hear what they're doing. Deil's in ye, will ye whisht?

"Ay!" said I to myself, and not to the daft limmer, "and did they come to such a figure for so poor a business? This is to lose all indeed." "Gie's your loof, hinny," says she, "and let me spae your weird to ye." "No, mother," said I, "I see far enough the way I am. It's an unco thing to see too far in front." "I read it in your bree," she said.

"There's a bonnie lassie that has bricht een, and there's a wee man in a braw coat, and a big man in a pouthered wig, and there's the shadow of the wuddy, joe, that lies braid across your path. Gie's your loof, hinny, and let Auld Merren spae it to ye bonny."

"Duke of Argyle!" said Jeanie, recollecting herself suddenly, "what was he to that Argyle that suffered in my father's time in the persecution?" "His son or grandson, I'm thinking," said Ratcliffe, "but what o' that?" "Thank God!" said Jeanie, devoutly clasping her hands. "You whigs are aye thanking God for something," said the ruffian. "But hark ye, hinny, I'll tell ye a secret.

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