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I am as anxious to make the connection as any of you, but I will settle here and raise bananas, or whatever they do raise in the Banat, before I will submit to this highwayman's demands."

"No not now. I don't think they would hurt me. Besides " "Besides what? "he asked, as she paused. "I have your word for them." "Yes," he answered; "but it is only a highwayman's word." "I can trust it." "These men can be demons when they like, Mistress Pemberthy."

Involuntarily he quickened his steps. He reached the archway in the wall. Here was the gate dividing the private grounds from the street. As he strode into the shadow of this place a voice suddenly halted Tom Swift. "Hands up! Put 'em up and don't be slow about it!" A bulky figure loomed in the dark. Tom saw the highwayman's club poised threateningly over his head. Trouble Starts

This became a recognized article in the Democratic and Southern policy. The Republican platform of 1856 denounced the Ostend manifesto, as the doctrine that "might makes right," "the highwayman's plea." It was left for a latter-day Republican to give to the same doctrine the politer name of "international eminent domain."

At Buchanan, recently nominated by the Democratic National Convention in Cincinnati, it aimed a barbed shaft: "Resolved, That the highwayman's plea that 'might makes right, embodied in the Ostend circular, was in every respect unworthy of American diplomacy, and would bring shame and dishonor upon any government or people that gave it their sanction."

The purse is any Highwayman's who might meet me with a loaded pistol: but the Self is mine and God my Maker's; it is not yours; and I will resist you to the death, and revolt against you, and, on the whole, front all manner of extremities, accusations and confusions, in defence of that!" Really, it seems to me the one reason which could justify revolting, this of the Puritans.

I am pretty sure I hit him." "I am quite sure you did, but it is no good our following; the side roads are so cut up by ruts that we should break a spring before we had gone a hundred yards. No, we will stop and look at this fellow who is unhorsed, Mark." The groom got down, and, taking one of the carriage lamps, proceeded to a spot where the highwayman's horse was standing.

And now a widow I must mourn Departed joys that ne'er return; No comfort but a hearty can When I think on John Highlandman." Sweet "raucle carlin," she has none of the sentimentality of the English highwayman's lady; but being wooed by a tinker and "A pigmy scraper wi' his fiddle Wha us'd to trystes and fairs to driddle," prefers the practical to the merely musical man.

Hearing songs in the night air always makes me hoarse the next morning." "As you will," he answered without heat. "We're a'most there." Soon a lighted window of the highwayman's humble home shone out in the darkness, and a moment later Jem Bottles was knocking at the door. It was immediately opened, and he stalked in with his blood-marks still upon his face.

The highwayman's mare, mentioned in the novel, had been trained to come at his call, and was so ungovernable that they shot her. Such tracts of open country, moors, and unenclosed hills were the haunts of highwaymen till a late period, and memories of the gallows, and of escapes from them, are common.