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If it is worth while I might add that there was a small but well-appointed amateur-theatre up Broadway, with the usual stage, orchestra, pit, boxes, &c., and that I was myself a member for some time, and acted parts in it several times "second parts" as they were call'd. Perhaps it too was a lesson, or help'd that way; at any rate it was full of fun and enjoyment. And so let us turn off the gas.

Among all my childish memories none is clearer than my looking up, after reading, in my high treble, Kind Author and Ground of my hope, Thee, Thee for my God I avow; My glad Ebenezer set up, And own Thou hast help'd me till now; I muse on the years that are past, Wherein my defence Thou hast prov'd, Nor wilt Thou relinquish at last A sinner so signally lov'd,

As the volume is not in many hands, the following extract from one of the Epistles may be acceptable as well from the singularity of the scene described, as from the specimen it affords of the merits of the translation: "Listen another pleasure I display, That help'd delightfully the time away.

I have thought the matter all over, and under the circumstances think the Methodists too good and too great a body to be slighted. They have stood by the government, and help'd us their very best. I have had no better friends; and as the case stands, I have decided to appoint Mr. Harlan."

"Lush-crib again, by Jove!" were the first words he articulated, and then, appearing to recollect himself, he added, "Oh, I forgot, I'm drowned well drowned, too can't be help'd, however wasn't born to be hanged and that seems clear."

He is sorry at her situation; but she is hardly the person for him to marry, even with her blooming, flower-like face. In such a situation and such situations are far too common with the class Byron's lines, slightly altered, seem peculiarly applicable to the pretty shop girl: "'Twas thine own beauty gave the fatal blow, And help'd to plant the wound that laid thee low."

I was telling my sufferings to a young woman at a peasant's house, where our cart, which was the last of the line, had halted; they had help'd me in, and the young woman had taken a cordial out of her pocket and dropp'd it upon some sugar, and seeing it had cheer'd me, she had given it me a second and a third time So I was telling her, an' please your honour, the anguish I was in, and was saying it was so intolerable to me, that I had much rather lie down upon the bed, turning my face towards one which was in the corner of the room and die, than go on when, upon her attempting to lead me to it, I fainted away in her arms.

It can't be help'd, says Susan then, you know we've spent galore. You know we've spent galore, my Bill, And merry have been we, Again you must your pockets fill, For Susan on your knee. "Chorus, my boys !" For Susan on my knee, my boys, With Susan on my knee.

Slop; once as he was falling, and then again when he saw him seated. Ill-timed complaisance; had not the fellow better have stopped his horse, and got off and help'd him? Sir, he did all that his situation would allow; but the Momentum of the coach-horse was so great, that Obadiah could not do it all at once; he rode in a circle three times round Dr.

'Twas thine own genius gave the final blow, And help'd to plant the wound that laid thee low; So the struck eagle, stretch'd upon the plain, No more through rolling clouds to soar again, View'd his own feather on the fatal dart, And wing'd the shaft that quiver'd in his heart; Keen were his pangs, but keener far to feel He nursed the pinion which impell'd the steel, While the same plumage that had warm'd his nest, Drank the last life-drop of his bleeding breast,