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Updated: July 31, 2024

"Tell her," said the faithful postmistress, winking to her compeers, "to come back the morn at ten o'clock, and I'll let her ken we havena had time to sort the mail letters yet she's aye in sic a hurry, as if her letters were o' mair consequence than the best merchant's o' the town."

"You are Scotch?" I ventured. "Ay! From Perth, awa'. "A Scotch tinker?" "Just that; a tinker from Perth, and my name's Robertson. I'm a Struan, ye ken. The Struans, the real Struans, are a' tinkers or pipers. In oor family, my elder brother fell heir to my father's pipes, so I had just to take to the tinkering. But we're joint heirs to my father's fondness for a dram. Ye havena a wee drop on ye?"

'It's a cauld night, General, but the home fires keep burnin'. I havena seen such a cheery lowe since Dickson's mill at Gawly. We packed, bicycles and all, into my car with Amos wedged in the narrow seat beside Hamilton. Recognizing a fellow countryman, he gave thanks for the lift in the broadest Doric.

Have no fear on that concern, my lord." "You havena come for nought, Grimond, and I'm not expecting that ye have much good to tell. Good tidings do not come my way in these days. Is the lad well?" said Dundee anxiously, "for in him is all my hope." "It's a gude hope then, my lord, for the bairn is juist bye-ordinary.

"But, Effie, folk do care about you. And what troubles can you have to bear?" Effie laughed softly; but she looked grave immediately. "Well, I havena so many as I might have, I suppose." "I'm sure if I were you I should be perfectly happy," said Christie. "That's only one of the mistakes you have fallen into," said Effie, gravely.

Mitchell had been carried in, "what think ye noo, lad, o' us Covenanters an' oor lack o' lang-sufferin' an' oor defyin' the laws? Aren't these laws we ought to defy, but havena properly defied yet, laws illegally made by a perjured King and an upstart Cooncil?" "Mr. Black," said the ex-trooper, seizing his companion's hand with an iron grip, "from this day forward I am with you heart and soul."

I ken by mysell, there's whiles I can sit wi' my head in my hand the haill day, and havena a word to cast at a dog and other whiles, that I canna sit still a moment. That's when the folk think me warst, but I am aye canny eneugh ye needna be feared to walk wi' me."

Wauverley, put it a' into my hand frae the beginning frae the first calling o' the summons, as I may say. I circumvented them I played at bogle about the bush wi' them I cajoled them; and if I havena gien Inch-Grabbit and Jamie Howie a bonnie begunk, they ken themselves. Him a writer!

He should have lairnt that if ye forbid a lassie and a laddie to dae anything it's just the surest way o' bringin' it aboot. The Lord foond that oot in the gairden o' Paradise, and there's no muckle change between the folk in Eden and the folk in Wigtown. There's ane thing that I havena spoke aboot yet, but that should be set doon.

My certie, ye're ill to serve! Do ye think we havena heard o' your grand popinjay wark yonder, and how ye bleezed away as muckle pouther as wad hae shot a' the wild-fowl that we'll want atween and Candlemas and then ganging majoring to the piper's Howff wi' a' the idle loons in the country, and sitting there birling, at your poor uncle's cost, nae doubt, wi' a' the scaff and raff o' the water-side, till sun-down, and then coming hame and crying for ale, as if ye were maister and mair!"

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