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Oh, she keeps them busy, does April! And 'tis true that if you be quite still you can hear them tripping among the dead leaves; and they watch you with very bright, twinkling little eyes, I think, but you never see them. And always, always there is that enormous whispering, half-friendly, half-menacing, as if the woods were trying to tell you something.

Attell resumed his inspection of the horizon. "Attell," said Sheen. Attell did not answer. Sheen pushed him gently out of the way, and tore down the paper from the door. Their eyes met. Attell, after a moment's pause, came forward, half-menacing, half irresolute; and as he came Sheen hit him under the chin in the manner recommended by Mr Bevan.

The General watched him waddle through the door from under his pent brows, a half-humourous, half-menacing expression on his face. "A windbag; a coward; a man without a heart for good or for evil. Bah! nephew, that is Hans Coetzee. I have known him for years. Well, let him go.

"My experience has not been one to promote blind confidence in her word. We shall see." Jolyon got up. "Good-bye," he said curtly. "Good-bye," returned Soames; and Jolyon went out trying to understand the look, half-startled, half-menacing, on his cousin's face.

Fearing they might have further trouble with him when he recovered from his present exhausted condition, Crouch had his hands bound tightly together with one of the dog leashes, and then would fain have questioned him as to how he managed to breathe in a hole below the level of the water; but Jem refused to satisfy his curiosity, and returned only a sullen rejoinder to any questions addressed to him, until the squire, who had crossed the river at some stepping-stones lower down, came up, and the ruffian then inquired, in a half-menacing tone, what he meant to do with him?

"How many rifles did the Frenchman bring to that son of darkness?" he said harshly. She turned her head, surprised at the question, and met his bloodshot eyes fixed on hers, half-menacing, half-admiring, and looked away again hastily. "I do not know." His fingers tightened on her wrist. "How many men had Ahmed Ben Hassan in the camp in which he kept you?" "I do not know." "I do not know!

So, at least, Captain Delano inferred. In another moment the casks were being hoisted in, when some of the eager negroes accidentally jostled Captain Delano, where he stood by the gangway; so, that, unmindful of Don Benito, yielding to the impulse of the moment, with good-natured authority he bade the blacks stand back; to enforce his words making use of a half-mirthful, half-menacing gesture.

The nurse was so occupied by her task that she did not hear the door open, and it was not until the piper's daughter was close beside her, that she was aware of her presence. Hastily drawing the blankets over the apprentice, she then turned, and regarded Nizza with a half-fearful, half-menacing look. "What brings you here again?" she inquired, sharply.

Not so, however, with David Muir; accustomed to rebuffs, and familiar with the virtue of perseverance, he saw no reason to despair, though the half-menacing, half-self-satisfied manner in which he shook his head towards the retreating girl might have betrayed designs as sinister as they were determined.

She felt the turmoil of sudden fear, wondered whether she was showing it, lost it in unnatural alertness all in the second before she answered: "Oh! just a holiday." Some seconds passed, and then he said: "You didn't mention him in your letters." She answered coolly: "Didn't I? We saw a good deal of him." She knew that he was looking at her an inquisitive, half-menacing regard.