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Young Gurwood, knowing what the message was, having seen it taken down while lounging at the station, had judiciously placed himself pretty close to the widow.

He shook his head and pointed to a carriage near at hand. "She's there, sir, with Gertie." "Gertie!" exclaimed Edwin. "Ay, poor thing, Gertie is all right, thank the good Lord for that; but " Again he stopped, then with an effort continued "I couldn't quit them, you know, till I've got 'em safe home. But my mind will be easy, Mr Gurwood, if you'll look after Bill.

Hereupon Gurwood and his friend plunged into an animated conversation about railway accidents and their consequences, to the intense interest and horror of Mrs Tipps. Meanwhile Netta left the room, and went to her old nurse's apartment. "Nurse," she said, hurriedly, "when did you say you proposed paying your brother in London a visit about this time, was it not?"

But Edwin Gurwood, although he did not hear who they were, had obtained a glance of the couple before they disappeared, and that glance, brief though it was, had taken deadly effect! He had been shot straight to the heart. Love at first sight and at railway speed, is but a feeble way of expressing what had occurred.

During a pause in the conversation, Emma asked her father to whom a certain villa they were passing belonged. "I don't know," replied the captain; "stay, let me see, I ought to know most of the places hereabouts no, I can't remember." "I rather think it belongs to a Colonel Jones," said Gurwood, for the first time venturing to address Emma directly.

"Emma," he said again, "my good angel, my guiding-star by night and by day for years I have " At that moment Captain Lee entered the room. Edwin leaped up and stood erect. Emma buried her face in the sofa cushions. "Edwin Mr Gurwood!" exclaimed Captain Lee.

In the time of his prosperity, young Gurwood had made many friends, but a touch of pride had induced him to turn aside from these although many of them would undoubtedly have been glad to aid him in his aims to quit the house of his childhood and betake himself to the flourishing town of Clatterby, where he knew nobody except one soft amiable little school-fellow, whom in boyish days he had always deemed a poor, miserable little creature, but for whom nevertheless he entertained a strong affection.

"Emma!" he said, sitting down on the sofa beside her, and seizing her hand in both of his. "Mr Gurwood!" she exclaimed in some alarm. Beginning, from the mere force of habit, some half-delirious reference to the weather, Edwin suddenly stopped, passed his fingers wildly through his hair, and again said, with deep earnestness, "Emma." Emma looked down, blushed, and said nothing.

Whether he had succeeded or not he could not tell, but he unquestionably received a strong additional impulse in his good resolves to achieve for himself a position and a wife! "Gurwood," said Captain Lee, after Mrs Durby had taken her departure, "I want you to aid me in a little difficulty I have about our mutual friend, Mrs Tipps.

How far more interesting a striking sketch of a banquet, containing portraits of undoubted authenticity, to the matter-of-fact announcements of the exploded letter-press that "yesterday his Grace the Duke of Wellington entertained at dinner, at Apsley House, the Earls of Aberdeen and Liverpool, the Dukes of Richmond and Buccleuch, the Master of the Horse, the Lord Chancellor, Sir Robert Peel, Sir James Graham, Sir Frederick Trench, Colonel Gurwood, and M. Algernon Greville!"