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Fabien, you will leave Paris with me to-morrow. That's understood." "Certainly not, uncle." "Your reasons?" "Because I can not leave my friends without saying goodby, and because I have need to reflect before definitely binding myself to the legal profession." "To reflect!

I fancy them standing by the open garden gate; the tears are rolling down Aunt Chloe's cheeks; Sam's six front teeth are glistening like pearls; I wave my hand to him manfully then I call out "goodby" in a muffled voice to Aunt Chloe; they and the old home fade away. I am never to see them again!

"But I will come up every Saturday if you will let me, and tell you the stories all about them." "Willee now? That will be main koinde o' ye." "I don't think you are strong enough to listen today," Ned said, seeing how feebly the boy spoke; "but I hope by next Saturday you will be much stronger. And now I will say goodby, for the doctor said that I must not talk too long."

Fabien, you will leave Paris with me to-morrow. That's understood." "Certainly not, uncle." "Your reasons?" "Because I can not leave my friends without saying goodby, and because I have need to reflect before definitely binding myself to the legal profession." "To reflect!

"Oh! we'll treat Sister Janet better than that, my dear," he laughed, as he prepared to kiss her good-by. The boys were tumbling about, clinging to his legs, imploring that numerous things be brought back to them. Mr. Pontellier was a great favorite, and ladies, men, children, even nurses, were always on hand to say goodby to him.

The rain was descending steadily and the sky overhead was just black, but along the western horizon, as I caught a glimpse of it between the trees, I fancied the blackness was a little less opaque. The storm was passing over, sure enough. But before it passed it gave us one goodby salute. We had about reached the point on the Shore Lane where I first met her and Carver in the auto.

Good-by come down whenever you can, won't you?" She smiled, and she waved a hand, and she held up her riding-skirt daintily as she turned away. "You didn't say goodby to Georgie," she reminded Grant, still making use of the chirpy tone. "I hope I am not in any way responsible."

He had been looking longingly toward that door of escape all his life, and now he said goodby to it. "Ah, well, 'twan't to be," he said, with an accent of weary finality; but then, suddenly out of the chill which oppressed his heart there sprang a last searing blast of astonished anguish. It was as if he realized for the first time all that had befallen him since the morning.

I’ll always love you, honestly I will. Won’t you even say goodby?…” He at last did say goodby and hung up the receiver and went across the room and sat in an armchair. It suddenly struck him that he was very tired. He had not realized it beforehow tired he was. There was none of the mad rebellion in him now that had filled him when first she had run away from him.

He set sail for Gibraltar the early part of February, 1893, and the following letters describe his leisurely progress about the Mediterranean ports. NEW YORK, February 3, 1893. DEAREST MOTHER: This is a little present for you and a goodby. Your packing-case is what I need and what I shall want, and I love it because you made it.