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"I'm going away, but I will love you every day I live. Floyd, could you ask Sister Ann to pray for everyone me, too? Forgive me for taking Snatchet I wanted him awfully. You be good to Sister Ann and always love Brother Horace and mind every word he says. I'm going away because I want to. Remember that, Floyd dear, goodby.

He could see the scar on her forehead, and it troubled and reproached him vaguely, seemed a symbol of a deeper wound he had dealt her, though never meaning any harm. He bent over her, gently. "Forgive me, Madeline," he said. "I am sorry sorry for everything. Goodby."

It takes two days and one night to go to Salonica, and the boats are so awful no one undresses but sleeps in his clothes on top of the bed. Goodby, sweetheart, and give SUCH a kiss to my precious daughter. How beautiful she is. Even the waiter who brought me a card stopped to exclaim about her picture. So, of course, being not at all proud I showed him her in my arms.

"Oho! we says goodby, But never pipes our eye, Tho' we leaves Sue, Poll, and Kitty all behind us; And if we drops our bones Down along o' Davy Jones, Why, they'll come and axe the mermaids for to find us." "And what took ye, Mister Supercargo, to try a fall with the fourteen stoner?" "Oh, I was helping a friend."

Consequently the remaining three wagons, including Captain and Mrs. Wadsworth, bade us goodby and pulled out in the morning. This parting of the trail, as had been the case in the parting of the waters, was not without its smack of regret. For four months we had travelled as one family, each having at heart the interest and comfort of the others.

"Goodby!" he said. "When you finder lat me allee samee keepee my word you let Misler Wild go. Len you all go 'way, and nobody hurtee you." Hop lost no time in getting outside. He found the girls where the horses were. But Jim and Arietta were nowhere to be seen. "Missy Anna," he said to the scout's wife, "you and Missy Eloise allee samee takee horses and lide to meet um miners.

During the afternoon he had carefully noted the direction of the woods, and he started swiftly toward them now, stopping only long enough, as he was well clear of the tents, to say, in a whisper: "Goodby, Mr. Treat, an' Mrs. Treat, an' Ella, an' Ben. Sometime, when I'm a man, I'll come back an' bring you lots of nice things, an' I'll never forget you never.

Dried bananas will be best. As the breeze freshens, you beat up against it. The nearer you are, the bigger loads I can bring off. Goodby." He held out his hand. The captain shook it, and was reluctant to let go. He seemed to cling to it as a drowning sailor clings to a life buoy. "How do I know you will come back in the morning?" he asked. "Yes, that's it!" cried the mate.

He knew that it would not be safe for him to wait until the close of the performance if he were intending to run away that night, and he felt that he could not go until he had said a few last words to her. He was in a great perplexity, until the thought came to him that he could write a goodby to her, and by this means any unpleasant discussion would be avoided.

He insisted on not giving this in any hurry, and as my coming home has brought me a mass of things to consider, I have not been prompt about it." Fenneben put a small package into Burleigh's hands. "Examine it here, if you care to. You can fasten the door when you leave. Goodby!" and he was gone. Victor sat down and opened the package.