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By this time the party was breaking up, and for the next half hour the Rajah was occupied in bidding goodby to his guests. When the last had gone he turned and entered the palace, passed through the great halls, and, pushing aside a curtain, entered a small room. The walls and the columns were of white marble, inlaid with arabesque work of colored stones.

"Same name, isn't it?" he asked. "Yes," responded Mr. McHulish. "Do you know him?" asked the consul, evidently surprised. "We don't, but he's a friend of one of the Eagle boys. I reckon we would have seen him anyhow; but we'll agree with you to hold on until we do. It's a go. Goodby, old pard! So long."

Well THAT is an odd kind of delicacy! So goodby, my dear. I have not heard of any thing to please me so well since Charlotte was brought to bed." And away she went; but returning again in a moment, "I have just been thinking of Betty's sister, my dear. I should be very glad to get her so good a mistress. But whether she would do for a lady's maid, I am sure I can't tell.

"Look at your watch when I'm gone, Cassidy, and be sure you make it a full two hours." "I'll make it two hours and five minutes," said Cassidy. "Hittin' north are you, Jolly Roger?" "I'm hittin' bushward," replied the outlaw. "I'm going where it's plenty thick and hard to travel, Cassidy. Goodby " He was gone.

But, as I say, she saw me but seldom, and spoke very little, and I felt a spasm of jealousy when I learned that she spent hours on deck chatting with Punchard, who for his part, when he came to see me, spoke of her with all the adoration of a worshipper. And when, on arriving at Port Royal, I was carried ashore, and Mistress Lucy came and took leave of me, she said nothing but a mere "Goodby, Mr.

"Now look here, my young friend, " said Vizard, holding her lovely head by both ears, "you are exciting yourself about nothing, and that will end in one of your headaches. So, just take your candle, and go to bed, like a good little girl." "Must I? Well, then, I will. Goodby, tyrant dear. Oh, how I love you! Come, Fanny." She gave her hand shyly to Severne, and soon they were both in Zoe's room.

"Here is certainly a real 'pome, and on aviation the latest fad: "'SKY HIGH BY MARSHALL MCMAHON MCNUTT of Millville dealer in Real Estate Spring Chickens &c. I sigh Too fly Up high In the sky. But my Wings air shy And so I cry A sad goodby Too fly- Ing."

Well, it was lucky they came. I don't say that it would have made any difference, because I think our side was a great deal stronger than they were, still it would have led to a nasty row, and perhaps to half a dozen duels afterwards. Well, I will say goodby now.

The little girl whose acquaintance he had made the night previous was still sleeping; and, wishing to say goodby to her in some way without awakening her, he stooped down and gently kissed the skirt of her dress. Then he went out to meet his master. Mr. Lord was thoroughly enraged when Toby left the wagon, and saw the boy just as he stepped to the ground.

"Are there any Russian novels? Send me one, my dear, pray send me one!" "Good-by, grandmother. I am in a hurry. . . . Goodby, Lizavetta Ivanovna. What made you think that Naroumoff was in the Engineers?" And Tomsky left the boudoir. Lizaveta Ivanovna was left alone. She laid aside her work, and began to look out of the window.