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Updated: August 21, 2024

Just as electrical disturbances are said to be in some way connected with sun spots, so Honora learned that a certain glumness and tendency to discuss expenses on the part of her husband were synchronous with a depression in the market. "I wish you'd learn to go a little slow, Honora," he said one evening. "The bills are pretty stiff this month.

The escorts themselves scarcely noticed the said pretty girls, for they were gazing down on the field the field about which were scattered eleven players in blue, and eleven in dull red, all motionless now, amazed or joyful, according to their color, over the feat of Andy Blair. On the Harvard stands there was glumness. The red banners slumped in nerveless hands. It had come as a shock.

These appointments and meetings, involving a start from the dinner-table at the hour of contemplative digestion and prime claret; the hour when the wise youth Adrian delighted to talk at his ease to recline in dreamy consciousness that a work of good was going on inside him; these abstractions from his studies, excesses of gaiety, and glumness, heavings of the chest, and other odd signs, but mainly the disgusting behaviour of his pupil at the dinner-table, taught Adrian to understand, though the young gentleman was clever in excuses, that he had somehow learnt there was another half to the divided Apple of Creation, and had embarked upon the great voyage of discovery of the difference between the two halves.

"I am very happy to hear it," said the Cowardly Lion. "But tell me, my friend, why you seem so glum. A boy your age shouldn't have any problems that would cause such glumness. What's wrong?" "Weeeeell," began the wombat slowly. "It's kind of silly, I guess. But I wanted to ask your advice about something." "You think it's silly to ask my advice?" said the Cowardly Lion, pretending to be hurt.

He sat disregarded at supper that evening, save by Valentina's ladies and the fool, who occasionally rallied him upon his glumness.

Arriving at Granger, for dinner, I find at the hotel a crest-fallen state of affairs somewhat similar to the glumness of Tacoma. Tacoma had plenty of customers, but no whiskey; Granger on the contrary has plenty of whiskey, but no customers. The effect on that marvellous, intangible something, the saloon proprietor's intellect, is the same at both places.

Just as electrical disturbances are said to be in some way connected with sun spots, so Honora learned that a certain glumness and tendency to discuss expenses on the part of her husband were synchronous with a depression in the market. "I wish you'd learn to go a little slow, Honora," he said one evening. "The bills are pretty stiff this month.

He never offers to accompany me now, and generally leaves the room when I am asked to sing." "Perhaps he sees the effect his presence has on you." "Even so, he ought to stay. He used to like me to listen to him, at first." Miss McQuinch looked at the sunset with exceeding glumness. There was an ominous pause.

He thought he might possibly detect some signs of glumness in the faces of the foreman and his confederates, but he was quite unprepared for the open anger and excitement which stamped every face, Bud Jessup's included. "Rustlers were out again last night," Bud explained, the moment he had a chance.

I know some boys that's going to go this night, with a hundred dollars in their pockets each of 'em. Let her bring on her votes, I say. It's a good cause gits the money. But it's you'll be wearin' the watch next Sunday, and not Freda Berglund!" Norah bit her lip. Her mother did not know what to make of her. Her own nickering complaints of Norah's "glumness" sank into dumb anxiety.

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