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Jamie McMurtagh was seated on the stool in the outer den that was called the bookkeeper's, biting his pen, with even a sourer face than usual. "Good-morning, Jamie," said he cheerily. "Good-morning, Mr. James." Jamie always greeted glumly, but there was a touch of tragedy in him this morning that was more than manner. James Bowdoin looked at him sharply.

The morning of the fourth day Mehronay appeared but not at his desk. We found him sitting glumly on his stool at the case in the back room, clicking the types, with his hat over his eyes and the smile rubbed off his face. We were a month coaxing Mehronay back in to the front room.

"Well, what have you got to say?" demanded Dick, as soon as the others were within easy talking distance. "How many on board of that yacht?" demanded Arnold Baxter, as he looked at the police officers glumly. "Enough," replied Dick. "Is that all you've got to say?" "Don't grow impudent, boy. It won't set well." "A person couldn't be impudent to such a rat such as you, Arnold Baxter."

Ruff is one of the head-waiters and aides-de-camp of Mr. Mackreth, the proprietor of White's Club. The sight of the landlord does not add to the lodger's good-humour. "Perhaps his honour will have the kindness to settle the little account?" asks Mr. Ruff. "Of course I will settle the account," says Harry, glumly looking down over Mr. Ruffs head from the stair above him. "Perhaps Mr.

It was Thanksgiving day and years ago and my roommate Ned and I were staring glumly over the roofs of the town. "I've got an invitation for Thanksgiving dinner for both of us," said Ned. "But I feel kind of doubtful about going." I inquired what kind of invitation. "An engraved invitation," grinned Ned. "Here it is. I'll read it to you."

He was walking about, stamping with his bare feet on the ground, the fingers of both his hands working nervously. "Oh, well, you won't get any sympathy in this crowd," Tom assured Hi glumly. "You were party to this, and all that disturbs you is that any one should dare take the same kind of a liberty with you. We don't care what happens to you, now, Martin."

He was just trying on the plastic suit, with all its accompanying paraphernalia, when Chow made his usual appearance. "Great sufferin' snakes!" the cook gasped. "You ain't goin' divin' in that getup, I hope! You look like a Christmas tree, boss!" Tom nodded glumly. "Know something, Chow? That's just what I was thinking myself."

The Commanding Colonel stared at the big map with its red ribbons marking air trails to and from targets. He was spotting the exact point where his Third Fighter group would have to turn back and leave the big Fortresses and Liberators to go it alone into the concentrated defenses of Germany. Weather Officer Miller looked glumly at the map as Colonel Holt placed his finger on a spot.

She said, while he gazed at her: "Edgar!... See the wrist watch," and held up her arm, from which the wide sleeve of her mantle slipped away. And the man said: "Is it you?" She said: "Come with me. I will look after you." The man answered glumly: "I have no money at least not enough for you. And I owe you a lot of money already. You are an angel. I'm ashamed." "What do you mean?"

"My dear Roebuck," I replied, "do you suppose I'm the man to put all my eggs into one basket and that basket Wall Street?" And I refused to talk any more politics with him. We dined together, I calm and in the best of spirits; we went to a musical farce, and he watched me glumly as I showed my lightness of heart.