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"Don't bother her with the will, Robert; she won't understand. Tell her about it and give her the letter." "Perhaps that is better, as the legal terms might be confusing. The gist of the matter is this, Miss Doane.

"In faith, I heard little of the controversy, yet 'tis like I know the gist of it, as I have just conversed with a wounded soldier of mine, Barbeau, who repeated the story as he understood it. My hand to you, Sieur de Artigny, and it seems to me, Messieurs, that De Tonty hath the right of it." "You take his side against us who hath the authority of the Governor?" "Pah! that is not the issue.

In 1823 the General Council of the Cherokee Nation voted a large silver medal to George Gist as a mark of distinction for his discovery. On one side were two pipes, the ancient symbol of Indian religion and law; on the other a man's head.

He came to me and said, 'The Commissioner Sahib thinks I give Mem Sahib a great deal of trouble; to which I replied in a cold tone, 'Take care you don't give me any more. The gist of the Sahib's words was the very pertinent suggestion that it would eventually be more to his interest to serve me honestly and faithfully than to cheat me.

But the gist of the truths so taught had been chiefly this: that if a man did not pay his rent, but kept his money in his pocket, he manifestly did two good things; he enriched himself, and he so far pauperised the landlord, who was naturally his enemy.

Stepping backwards in the direction of the window, he said: "If I want to get to that window, I can of course walk straight up to it; but I can just as easily turn my back to it and walk that way. In either case I reach my goal." And he at once proceeded in a vigorous tone: "Here's the gist of it all. At half-past eight, before the snow fell, M. de Gorne comes home from his father's house.

Come in here," and he beckoned her into his own study. "Is she in any trouble?" he asked again. "She won't tell me, you know, for fear of worrying me, so you must." Somehow Alicia, unable to resist his request, stammered out the gist of the story; she blamed Dick as severely as he deserved, and shielded Daisy from all suspicion of haste in giving her affection; but the story stood out plain.

Even the teachers rattled off their questions with an atrocious, half-enunciated pronunciation, and he must have been a Spanish scholar indeed who could have caught more than the gist of the recited answers.

He wrote instead briefly but affectionately. As a gentleman should. "How could you doubt our fleet or our army?" was the gist of his letter. He ignored completely every suggestion of a visit to Pyecrafts that her letter had conveyed. He pretended that it had contained nothing of the sort.... And with that she passed out of his mind again under the stress of more commanding interests.... Mr.

Just hear me run through the drill and see if I've got it all right: 'To have and to hold for better or worse, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, so help me God. Amen. That's about the gist of it. I'll prompt if you get into a hat. I'm awf'ly happy, but I don't mind telling YOU that I'm in a blue funk! I should never have noticed it.