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Ambrose bestirred himself to his own defense. "Let me ask a question," he said quietly to Strange. "You say when you opened the door you saw me with my hands on Mr. Gaviller. How could you see me?" "With my electric flash-light," Strange instantly answered. "That's a lie," said Ambrose. "The flash-light was mine. I can prove it by a dozen witnesses." "Produce it," said Strange sneering.

Gaviller could not very well turn him out of the house. There was no help for it. He went. The instant the door closed behind Gaviller, Ambrose's eyes flamed up. "What a stroke of luck!" he cried. It had something the effect of an explosion there in the quiet room where they had been talking so prosily. Colina became panicky. "I don't understand you!" she said haughtily. "You do!" he cried.

This one, the finest of the three, was brought out last August by Ambrose Doane. This was the skin which almost cost John Gaviller his life, and indirectly induced a rebellion among the Kakisa Indians. All those who followed the course of the recent trial will remember it. Upon obtaining the third pelt, Mr. Renfrew sent the three to London to be dressed and made up. They have just been returned.

Among the pictures that this terrible night etched with acid on Ambrose's subconsciousness, the sight of them standing motionless, all the dark faces lighted by the glare, was not the least impressive. With a sickening anxiety he perceived the signs of a rising savage rage. The men scowled and muttered. More than once he heard the words: "John Gaviller!"

I have repaid it with my hospitality. We are quits. I now warn you not to show your face here again." "I shall do as I see fit," said Ambrose doggedly. "You compel me to speak still more plainly," said Gaviller. "If you are found on the Company's property again, you will be thrown off." "You cannot frighten me with threats," said Ambrose. "You are warned!" said Gaviller.

At the head offices of the Northwest Fur Company it was given out this morning that the resignation of John Gaviller, the Company's trader at Fort Enterprise, had been accepted to take effect immediately. Duncan MacDonald, general manager of the Company, said, when asked for a further statement: "Mr. Gaviller's resignation was requested for the good of the service.

"A great point has been made by the defense that the prisoner had no motive in attempting to kill Mr. Gaviller. Gentlemen, he had the same motive that has inspired every murder in history hate! "There is any amount of testimony to show with what hatred the prisoner always spoke of Mr. Gaviller. Gaviller was his business rival, his rich and successful rival.

Gaviller was the head and front of the powers that opposed his headstrong will. I repeat, it is hate and opportunity that make a murder. "Mr. Gaviller was prostrated with weakness. How simple to creep up-stairs in the dark and finish what the other coward's bullet had almost accomplished! And how impossible to prove that it was a murder! Mr.

If we burn the store we only rivet them tighter. "Gaviller will cry these are bad men and lawbreakers. These are incendiaries! It is a word the white men hate. They will say do what you like to the incendiaries. They deserve no better." The strange word intimidated them. But a voice cried defiantly: "Must we wait some more?" And their cries threatened to down the old man.

You not want me, you say: Go 'way. I jus' wait till you want me again." Ambrose turned his head away. He had never imagined a man having to go through with anything like this. "Always, always I work for you," she whispered. "Let Colina Gaviller marry you. She not mind me. I guess she not mind that little dog you love. I jus' poor, common red girl. She think not'ing of me!"