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Inside of fifteen minutes the three of us was strollin' casual through the front offices. "Glance down the line of lady typists," I whispers to Oakley. "By George!" says he gaspy. "The one at the far end?" "You win," says I. "And you also, my young wizard," says Oakley. "I'll have her sent into my private office," suggests Mr. Robert.

"Did did you ever?" pants Vee as we gets out to the carriage entrance. "Now we have done it, haven't we?" "And I'm caught with the goods on, I guess," says I. "Just fancy!" says she. "Mr. Robert was there all the time. I wonder what he will " "Pardon me, you pair of mischief makers," says a voice behind, "but I haven't quite decided." It's Mr. Robert! "Hel-lup!" says I gaspy.

"Most men," he said, "felt gaspy in Turkish baths, and weak ones were alarmed lest they should get suffocated beyond recovery; but strong men rather enjoy themselves in 'em than otherwise." "Hah!" exclaimed the imp, "may I wentur' to ax, Capp'n, wot's the effect on boys?" To this the Captain replied that he didn't exactly know, never having heard of boys taking Turkish baths.

"Katie!" says he gaspy. "Surely you you can't think " "It's what I ask them all," says she, "domestic and imported. Naturally I am a little suspicious when they declare passionate love at the first or second meeting; for, in spite of what my maids tell me, my mirror insists that I'm not ravishingly beautiful. So I've begun to suspect that perhaps my money may be the attraction.

"Off the gate for good, am I?" "We are hoping," says he, "that the gate's loss will be the Funding Company's gain." I gurgles gaspy a couple of times before I catches my breath. "Will it?" says I. "Say, just watch me! I'm goin' to show you that fundin' is my long suit!" Say, it's all right, gettin' the quick boost up the ladder, providin' you don't let it make you dizzy in the head.

Me, and the Cap., and the First Loot, and you, all the same day. She was goin' to marry us all. And the Cap., with a wife and two kids back in Binghamton, N. Y., he got almost nervous over it." "I I can't believe it," says Waddy gaspy. "Did did she give you a a token, as she did to me?" "No," says Joe. "None of us fell quite so hard for her as you did.

"B-b-b-blair," says she. "I wouldn't have him know for for anything. But he he what he said hurt. He he called me a meddlesome old maid. It was something I had to do too. I I thought he'd understand. I I thought he knew I I liked him!" "Eh?" says I gaspy. "I've never cared so much before about what the others thought," she goes on. "I'm just Joey to them, out for a good time.

He'd been shown into the private office on a call for Mr. Robert; but as I was well heeled with work of my own I didn't even glance up from the desk until I hears this scrappy openin' of his. "Bob Ellins, you young scoundrel, what the blighted beatitudes does this mean!" he demands. Naturally that gets me stretchin' my neck, and I turns just in time to watch the gaspy expression on Mr.

These may not address their Majesties, but they may stare; nor will it be contested that the attentive circular eyes of the humble domestic creatures are an embellishment to Royal pomp and grandeur, such truly as should one day gain for them an inweaving and figurement in the place of bees, ermine tufts, and their various present decorations upon the august great robes back-flowing and foaming over the gaspy page-boys.

With a rather faint, rather gaspy chuckle of amusement the Youngish Girl in the seat just behind the Traveling Salesman reached forward then and touched him very gently on the shoulder. "Oh, please, may I listen?" she asked quite frankly.