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"If I ever had the luck to get that far," thinks I, "would I have to go through any such an act with Aunty? Hel-lup, Hubert! Hel-lup!" Well, I'm shocked at Ruby, that's all. Also I'm beginnin' to suspicion I ain't such a human-nature dope artist as I thought, for I've made at least three fruity forecasts on Ruby, and the returns are still comin' in. My first frame-up was natural enough.

"I peen bit all ofer py does cendibedes!" "Begorra! there's a bushel av th' craythers hangin' to me!" shouted the Irish lad. "Oi'm a dead b'y intoirely!" "Hel-lup! hel-lup!" howled Hans, dismally. Out into the center of the room danced the two boys, fighting, clawing, striking at various parts of their bodies, where the crawfish persistently clung.

They collided, and both sat down heavily on the floor. "It's kilt we are!" moaned Barney. "Dot peen near knockin' mine prains oud alretty yet!" declared Hans. "Loight th' lamp!! "Hel-lup! hel-lup! hel-lup!" In some way they scrambled to their feet, and both lunged for the door, which they beat upon with their fists, as if they would tear it down. "Docther!" bellowed Barney.

I hope I smiled back; but I wouldn't swear to it. Not that I'm scared. Hush, hush! But I wa'n't used to bein' shot through the air so impetuous. I takes another glance overboard. Hel-lup! Someone's pullin' Long Island Sound from under us. The water must have been fifty or sixty feet down, and gettin' more so. For a while after that I looks straight ahead.

To-morrow morning, say?" "Hel-lup!" says I. "I'm gettin' dizzy." "Then Tuesday," says he, "at nine-thirty sharp." "But say, Mr. Robert," says I, "just what " "Only make it as merry as you know how," he breaks in. "That's the main idea; isn't it, Elsa?" Another nod from Elsa. "Robert has great faith in you as a promoter of cheerful affairs," says she. "I think I have, too."

"Did did you ever?" pants Vee as we gets out to the carriage entrance. "Now we have done it, haven't we?" "And I'm caught with the goods on, I guess," says I. "Just fancy!" says she. "Mr. Robert was there all the time. I wonder what he will " "Pardon me, you pair of mischief makers," says a voice behind, "but I haven't quite decided." It's Mr. Robert! "Hel-lup!" says I gaspy.

I've started in at college." "Wha-a-at!" says I. "You ain't never goin' to be a lady doctor or anything like that, are you?" "I am taking a course at Columbia," says Vee, "in domestic science. Doris is doing it, too. And such fun! To-day we learned how to make a bed actually made it up, too. To-morrow I am going to boil potatoes." "Hel-lup!" says I. "You are? Say, how long does this last?"