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Reb Baruch, with a married daughter and eleven children in Kishinef, sat up all night and prayed and swayed and trembled. Packed in airtight against the bite of the steely out-of-doors, most of the village of Vodna except the children and the half-witted Shimsha, the ganef huddled under its none-too-plentiful coverings that night and prayed and trembled.

"A ganef you couldn't tell what he would do at all," Linkheimer rejoined, and Abe rose to his feet. "I'm sorry for you, Mr. Linkheimer," he said, seizing his hat, "but I guess I must be getting back to the store. So you shouldn't trouble yourself about this here feller Schenkmann. We decided we would get along without him." But Abe's words fell on deaf ears, for as he turned to leave Mr.

"Wouldn't Linkheimer give a recommendation, because if he wouldn't, Abe, I am satisfied we should take the feller without one. In fact I'm surprised you didn't bring him along." "You are, hey?" Abe broke in. "Well, you shouldn't be surprised at nothing like that, Mawruss, because I didn't bring him along for the simple reason, Mawruss, I don't want no ganef working round my place. That's all."

"What do you mean ganef?" Morris cried. "The feller ain't no more a thief as you are, Abe." Abe's moustache bristled and his eyes bulged so indignantly that they seemed to rest on his cheeks. "You should be careful what you say, Mawruss," he retorted. "Maybe he ain't no more a ganef as I am, Mawruss, but just the same, he is in jail and I ain't." "In jail," Morris exclaimed. "What for in jail?"

"Hush it!" cried Mr. Kantor, his free hand raised in threat of descent, and cowering his small son to still more undersized proportions. "Hush it or, by golly! I'll " "Abrahm Abrahm what is it?" Then Mr. Kantor gave vent in acridity of word and feature. "Schlemmil!" he cried. "Momser! Ganef!

Even his collar had not escaped the flood, and as for his I. O. M. A. charm, it seemed positively tarnished. "Say, lookyhere, Potash," he began, "what d'ye mean by sending your partner to bail out that ganef?" "Me send my partner to bail out a ganef?" Abe exclaimed. "What are you talking, nonsense?" "I ain't talking nonsense," Linkheimer retorted. "Look at the kinds of conditions I am in.

Right to the end of the street he dragged her, pursued by a hooting crowd. Then he stopped, worn out. "Will you give me that sixpence, you Ganef!" "No, I haven't got it. You'd better go back to your shop, else you'll suffer from worse thieves." It was true. Widow Finkelstein smote her wig in horror and hurried back to purvey treacle.

"Hush it!" cried Mr. Kantor, his free hand raised in threat of descent and cowering his small son to still more undersized proportions. "Hush it, or, by golly, I'll " "Abrahm Abrahm what is it?" Then Mr. Kantor gave vent in acridity of word and feature. "Schlemmil!" he cried. "Momser! Ganef! Nebich!"

In the silence that followed, Isadore Kantor, a poppiness of stare and a violent redness set in, suddenly turned to his five-year-old son, sticky with lollypop, and came down soundly and with smack against the infantile, the slightly outstanding, and unsuspecting ear. "Momser!" he cried. "Chammer! Lump! Ganef! You hear that? Two thousand! Two thousand!

"I sold him goods for years," he added, "and I guess I would continue to do so, even if that Ganef Sammet would make twenty engagement parties for 'em. Did you see the samovar I gave 'em?" He pointed proudly to a silver-plated object, and Gurin glanced at it scornfully. "Potash & Perlmutter gives 'em solid silver," he commented "a wide dish." "Sure I know," Klinger said, "thin like paper."