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"If if you had an old mother like mine up-stairs, Milton, eating out her heart and her days and her weeks and her months over a husband's grave somewhere in Siberia and a son's grave somewhere in Kishinef, you wouldn't see the joke neither." Mr. Bauer executed a self-administered pat sharply against the back of his hand. "Keeper," he said, "put me in the brain ward. I I'm sorry, Mrs.

"Then the first thing I knew I was introduced. Now I was really in sympathy with the purpose of this gathering and I felt, sincerely, the atrocity of the Kishinef massacre. Consequently, I was able to speak from the heart in telling my audience how every human being, without regard to race, was touched by such an outrage.

Reb Baruch, with a married daughter and eleven children in Kishinef, sat up all night and prayed and swayed and trembled. Packed in airtight against the bite of the steely out-of-doors, most of the village of Vodna except the children and the half-witted Shimsha, the ganef huddled under its none-too-plentiful coverings that night and prayed and trembled.

Somehow Sara vaguely sensed it to be the ache of a fear. One night there was a furious pink tint on the distant horizon, and borne on miles of the stiffly thin air came the pungency of burning wood and flesh across the snowlight. Flesh! The red sky lay off in the direction of Kishinef. What was it? The straw roof of a burning barn? The precious flesh of an ox? What?

"If if you had an old mother like mine upstairs, Milton, eating out her heart and her days and her weeks and her months over a husband's grave somewhere in Siberia and a son's grave somewhere in Kishinef, you wouldn't see the joke, neither." Mr. Bauer executed a self-administered pat sharply against the back of his hand. "Keeper," he said, "put me in the brain-ward. I I'm sorry, Mrs.

When the merchant gives the traveling man an opportunity to do him some sort of a favor outside of straight business dealing, he then gives the drummer the best possible chance to place him under obligations which will surely be repaid sometime. But don't go too far. Down in Texas in one of the larger towns, just after the Kishinef horror, the Hebrew clothing merchants held a charity ball.

He got to Ellis Island with his wife and five children, but they wouldn't let in the feeble-minded boy, so of course they all went back with him. My cousin was fearful disappointed." Or, "These are the five children of my brother. He and his wife, my father and mother, were all done for in the bad time at Kishinef.