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Why, Gammer Satchell carries herself more soldierly." Timothy Garlinge grinned loutishly at this rebuke, but the fat dame whom Halfman's flourish indicated seemed to dilate with satisfaction. "It were shame," she chuckled, "if a handy lass could not better a lobbish lad." The impish lad grinned derision. "Ay," he commented; "but an old fool's best at her spits and griddles."

Joseph Andrews was esteemed to be the only son of Gaffer and Gammer Andrews, and brother to the illustrious Pamela. Booby's by the father's side.

He said to himself: "Now is the matter clear; this is the stranger that plucked Giles Witt out of the Thames, and saved his life, that windy, bitter, first day of the New Year a brave good deed pity he hath been doing baser ones and got himself in this sad case . . . I have not forgot the day, neither the hour; by reason that an hour after, upon the stroke of eleven, I did get a hiding by the hand of Gammer Canty which was of so goodly and admired severity that all that went before or followed after it were but fondlings and caresses by comparison."

The Rise of the Drama in England; the Miracle plays, Moralities, and Interludes; our first play, "Ralph Royster Doyster"; the first true English comedy, "Gammer Gurton's Needle," and the first tragedy, "Gorboduc"; the conflict between classic and native ideals in the English drama.

"If we go we must have a high old time and not be let in for a lot of rot about old bones and fossils and that sort of thing." "Rather not," said Dig, "though I wouldn't mind if we could get hold of a skull. It would look prime on the mantelpiece." "Gammer, who went last year, says it was an awful go-to-meeting turn- out.

"But I have not told you when and where I will do it, Gammer Gurton; and so you can wait to all eternity, for only in heaven will I be your husband." "That is an abominable, malicious lie!" screamed Gammer Gurton.

Hark ye: before the night come, she shall hie her to the Tower. The King my father" "In sooth, you forget, sir, her low degree. The Tower is for the great alone." "True, indeed. I had not thought of that. I will consider of her punishment. Is thy father kind to thee?" "Not more than Gammer Canty, sir." "Fathers be alike, mayhap. Mine hath not a doll's temper.

Farewell, gammer; thanks and gramercy for your goods! I will not marry; no, believe me, I will not. I fairly quit my interest therein, and totally abandon and renounce it from this time forward, even as much as at present. With this, as he endeavoured to make an escape out of the room, the old crone did anticipate his flight and make him stop.

"Stop, you fools!" suddenly shouted a stentorian voice. "See you not, you goblins, that your lord and master is here? Peace, peace then, you devils, and do not be hammering away at one another, but love each other." "It is the master!" exclaimed Gammer Gurton, lowering her fist in the utmost contrition.

Hamnet has a fist, too, and has thrashed the butcher's son down by the Rother Market, though the butcher's son is nine. Here Hamnet nudges Will. What is this he is saying? About Gammer, his very own grandame? "Ben't no witches," mutters Hamnet to Will. "Schoolmaster says so. Says the like of Gammer's talk is naught but women's tales."