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Yet again came that strange change in the tensity of Gale's ear-strain, a check, a break, a vibration and this time the sound did not go nameless. It might have been moan of wind or wail of far-distant wolf, but Gale imagined it was the strangling death-cry of another guard, or that strange, involuntary utterance of the Yaqui.

And as for money, she contributed quite a bit how much do they say it was, Amos?" "Well, all I know is that Mary Simmons says she gave ten thousand dollars and Josie Fiddler says it was three hundred, so you can choose between 'em." "She did her share, all right," said young Caleb defensively. "That's more'n a lot of people around here did." "Gale's in love with her, Mr. Thane," explained Rosabel.

Thus Juno pleaded; and all the heavenly people murmured in diverse consent; even as rising gusts murmur when caught in the forests, and eddy in blind moanings, betraying to sailors the gale's approach.

Mercedes' horse began to stamp impatiently, raised his ears and head, and acted as if he was about to neigh. A warning "hist!" from Ladd bade Dick to put a quieting hand on the horse. Lash came noiselessly forward to join his companion. The two then listened and watched. An uneasy yet thrilling stir ran through Gale's veins. This scene was not fancy.

Doubtless Phil would be along shortly, but there was no telling, for there was always a merry crowd on the Gale's piazza and he would stay there talking for a time. But Merritt was impatient, and he finally broke out with; "Make up your mind, please, and quickly. Will you bring the baby quietly, or shall I just take her along."

I had to lock the door to keep her in, and I divided my time between the last touches to my dinner and the finishing touches to Gale's toilet and receiving the people. The Lane party had not come yet, and I was scared to death lest Sedalia had had a tantrum and that Mr. Stewart would not get back in time.

FAR away from Forlorn River Dick Gale sat stunned, gazing down into the purple depths where Rojas had plunged to his death. The Yaqui stood motionless upon the steep red wall of lava from which he had cut the bandit's hold. Mercedes lay quietly where she had fallen. From across the depths there came to Gale's ear the Indian's strange, wild cry.

Laddy choked off a laugh, then evidently slapped his knee or Belding's, for there was a resounding smack. "He's a fine-spoken, good-looking chap, you said?" went on Belding. "Shore he is," said Laddy, warmly. "What do you say, Jim?" By this time Dick Gale's ears began to burn and he was trying to make himself deaf when he wanted to hear every little word.

Vizard ordered a servant to deliver the microscope to Miss Gale's messenger with his compliments. Fanny wondered what she wanted with it. "Not to inspect our little characters, it is to be hoped," said Vizard. "Why not pay her a visit, you ladies? then she will tell you, perhaps."

Blanco Diablo refused to answer to the power of the Yaqui. He balked, he plunged, he bit and kicked. He had to be pulled and beaten over many places. Mercedes's horse almost threw her, and she was put upon Blanco Sol. The white charger snorted a protest, then, obedient to Gale's stern call, patiently lowered his noble head and pawed the lava for a footing that would hold.