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Updated: August 24, 2024

"I-I-I-I've g-g-got t-t-t have a g-g-g-g " came from Will. "Are you trying to say a pair of gum shoes?" asked John Smith. "I'll lend you a pair of moccasins." "I guess he means gun," volunteered Nat. "But these will do just as well," and he got a couple of nickel-plated bicycle pumps from a drawer. "They'll shine in the dim light just like revolvers," he went on.

Brown returned to the bridge, where the ranchman stood preparing to collect his toll, which was five dollars a team in advance. This would require one hundred dollars from Brown and a hundred and thirty from the other train. Brown refused point blank to pay the bill, and the ranchman asked him upon what grounds. Brown's reply was: "Y-Y-You h-h-haint g-g-got no ch-ch-charter."

"Huh!" grunted Toby, rubbing his head ruefully as he came up, and limping in the bargain, "t-t-that was him, all r-r-right then, Obed. I don't know the f-f-fellow's n-n-name, but I've g-g-got his trade-mark on my c-c-cheek, every k-k-knuckle of his fist. Huh! he's an athlete, every time!" "But don't tell me our prisoner skipped out!" cried Steve, in sore dismay.

What are n-n-notes? I t-t-take a good m-m-many, but I have never s-s-signed one. I d-d-don't understand such things. I have h-h-heard say that n-n-notes c-c-can be b-b-bought up." "Of course," said the president. Don't you understand?" Grandet made an ear-trumpet of his hand, and the president repeated his words. "Well, then," replied the man, "there's s-s-something to be g-g-got out of it?

Besides, he felt seriously his grave deficiencies of speech. "I-I-I was s-sorter expectin' a-a-another kind of c-c-caller," he stuttered desperately, in explanation, every freckle standing out in prominence, "an' th-th-thought m-m-maybe somebody 'd g-g-got the d-drop on me." The girl only laughed again, her black eyes sparkling.

For, look you! he thunk she wouldn't have un, an' he thunk she would, an' he wisht she would, an' he wisht she wouldn't; an' by an' by he 'lowed he'd stand by, whatever come of it, 'for, says he, 'the crew's g-g-got t' have better c-c-cookin' if I c-c-can g-g-get it. Lord!

"S-s-say, you a hunter, and never heard about the s-s-spring-gun trap?" exclaimed Toby, scornfully. "Well, I'll try to explain, if you give me a little t-t-time, and don't r-r-rush me too much. You see, a gun is f-f-fastened to the ground, and aiming along a certain avenue that the intended thief has just g-g-got to use in c-c-coming up to the b-b-bait.

"Now let's go back and see if there's anything doing with the rest of the fresh-water clams," suggested Max. But, although every shell was opened and carefully examined, only a couple of seed pearls were found, not worth mentioning alongside the four fine ones. "Anyhow," said Toby, as the last mussel was passed, "it wasn't a s-s-skunk. We g-g-got one b-b-bully old p-p-prize, didn't we, Steve?"

"You g-g-got up very early to t-t-tell me that," said Grandet, accompanying the remark with a motion of his wen. "Well, old c-c-comrade, I'll be frank, and t-t-tell you what you want t-t-to know. I would rather, do you see, f-f-fling my daughter into the Loire than g-g-give her to her c-c-cousin. You may t-t-tell that everywhere, no, never mind; let the world t-t-talk."

At sight of Speed he uttered a cry, then plunged through the crowd like a bull, but the lariat loop slipped to his neck and tightened like a hangman's noose. "Larry," cried his employer, sharply, "have you lost your head?" "Ain't they g-g-got you yet?" queried the trainer in a strangling voice. "You idiot, I won!" "What!" "I won easy." "You won!" Larry's eyes were starting from his head.

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