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Updated: August 24, 2024

He had taken the oaf's measure with a nice exactitude. To trounce him without frightening him also was only inviting a complaint to the Commissioner, but Furneaux was well aware that the longer Robert Fenley's dull brain dwelt on the significance of that address in Battersea being known to the police, the less ready would he be to stir a hornets' nest into activity by showing his resentment.

Hilton Fenley to try and secure us a long night's uninterrupted sleep," said Winter between puffs. "But what a vitiated taste in wine he must attribute to Scotland Yard," said Furneaux bitterly. "Still, we should be grateful to him for supplying a gill of real evidence." "I may forgive him later.

I haven't really bothered myself yet to determine the means, because when that knowledge becomes indispensable we must have our man under lock and key." "Of course, the rifle is securely fixed in that " The door opened. Tomlinson came in, smiling blandly. "I hope you are enjoying your dinner, gentlemen both?" he said. "You have made your cook an artist," said Furneaux.

He jumped up, went to the sideboard and mixed himself a weak brandy and soda, which he swallowed as if his throat were afire with thirst. "I am not treating you as a hostile witness, sir," answered Winter calmly. "Mr. Furneaux and I are merely clearing the ground. Soon we shall know, or believe that we know, what line to avoid and what to follow."

We gathered that he was obeying his master's orders in trying the car, a new one, before purchase, but Furneaux bundled him off to the nearest police station, borrowed handcuffs and brought him back to London, leaving the car in a garage at St. Albans. That is a bald but accurate summary of the facts. I dropped Mr.

But he'll follow it, and of his own accord; and the first long stride will be taken when he goes to the Quarry Wood to retrieve the rifle which lies hidden there." Winter whistled softly. Then he looked at his watch. "By Jove! Turned half past seven," he said. "Ha!" cackled Furneaux. "James is himself again.

"I saw him doing that," interrupted Trenholme, who, after one glance at the signs of his handiwork on Robert Fenley's left jaw, had devoted his attention to the extraordinary story revealed by the detectives. "You saw him!" And Furneaux wheeled round in sudden wrath. "Why the deuce didn't you tell me that?" "You never asked me." "How could I ask you such a thing?

You can take 'em away." "Have you shown that knot to Mr. Furneaux?" inquired Grant. "No, sir. I've kept that up me sleeve, as the sayin' is." "But why?" Robinson shuffled uneasily on his feet. "These Scotland Yard men will hardly listen to a uniformed constable, sir," he said. "I'll tell 'em all about it at the inquest on Wednesday."

It had been his happy lot during many hours to figure bravely in the Fenley case, and he carried himself as a valiant man and true to the end. "I think I heard you mention Mr. Hilton," he went on. "I met Dr. Stern in the village, an' he tol' me Mr. Hilton had borrowed his car." Furneaux stood up. "Continue, Solomon," he said, and Winter sighed with relief; the little man was himself again.

After so long a confinement, on a service so peculiarly disgusting and troublesome, it cannot be matter of surprise that we were overjoyed at the near prospect of a change of scene. By sunset we had passed between the rocks, which Captain Furneaux named the Mewstone and Swilly.

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