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Updated: August 7, 2024

To our party presently comes the host in a flurried countenance, with a white waistcoat, holding in his hand an open letter, towards which his wife looks with some alarm. "How dy' doo, Lady Clara, how dy' doo, Ethel?" he says, saluting those ladies, whom the second carriage had brought to us.

It would be premature to draw conclusions: the cross-examination of the insect has not yet been thorough enough. Let us wait. Besides, we need not imagine that it is possible to go on like this until our patience is exhausted. Sooner or later, flurried by my pestering, the Scarites refuses to sham dead.

Watson, come round and lunch with us at two. I'll be able to tell you more clearly then how this thing strikes me." "Is that convenient to you, Watson?" "Perfectly." "Then you may expect us. Shall I have a cab called?" "I'd prefer to walk, for this affair has flurried me rather." "I'll join you in a walk, with pleasure," said his companion. "Then we meet again at two o'clock.

This helpless state is called, in the phraseology of the northern woods, being "turned round." But Dol Farrar was spared for the present a thorough realization of the dreadful mishap which had befallen him. He had a shocked, breathless, flurried feeling, as if scales had suddenly fallen from his eyes, and he saw the dangers of the unknown as he had not before seen them.

When the King was sleeping yesterday Knighton said to him, 'This is not the sleep of death! The other answered, 'Lord, sir! he will not die! They think the King has never thought himself in danger, not even when they told him he was. He seemed flurried, however, or they thought so, for a moment, and then they endeavoured to unsay; but the King, who was quite firm, said, 'No, no!

You say, dead and gone. Captain Lake cursed him and his absent keeper between his teeth; still in a rather flurried way, prosecuting his conjugal attentions. 'There was no bell for poor Mark; and he's always listening, and stares so. A cat may look, you know. 'Can't you touch the bell, Sir? What are you standing there for? snarled Lake, with a glare at the old man.

Gaston's address was no longer nervous and flurried; he had gained considerable self-command and repose of manner. The air of uncomfortable diffidence, which formerly characterized his deportment, had disappeared, and given place to a manly and cheerful bearing. "If he loves Madeleine," thought Maurice, "how can he look so calm while she is God only knows where, and exposed to what dangers?"

Flurried though he was, he could not fail to notice the white embroidered cloth spread diagonally on the table, and the cold meat and the pastry and the glittering cutlery and crystal thereon. 'Not at all, she replied. 'You haven't had supper yet, I expect? 'No, he said, not thinking. 'It will be nice of you to help me to eat mine, said she. 'Oh! But really

I was so sure of his meaning that I said, quite flurried, "You are very welcome, sir. Pray don't mention it!" "I hope this marriage is for the best, guardian," said I when we three were on our road home. "I hope it is, little woman. Patience. We shall see." "Is the wind in the east to-day?" I ventured to ask him. He laughed heartily and answered, "No."

He was merely flurried for a moment in his mind, and probably thinks me now, more than ever before, just what I think him. Absurd place, isn't it, this world? So I reached home at last. You have no idea, unless you have tried it yourself, how good breakfast tastes alter a three-mile tramp in the sharp morning air.

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