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Updated: August 19, 2024

A vast bulb was suspended on a thick stem, which rose from the heart of the leathery leaves, and this we prepared to examine intently, though we were all but overcome by the foul gases given off. "It's a big an' a bonnie flooer," muttered Stewart, extending his hand, and thrusting it into the massive blossom. Then he emitted a yell that would have done credit to a full-grown grizzly bear.

"The fire's the best flooer i' the gairden, an' the pig's the best coo i' the herdin', my lord," she said an old saw to which his lordship might have been readier to respond, had he remembered that the PIG sometimes meant the stone jar that held the whisky.

"Weel, but allooin' that, ye sudna gar fowk lauch, wi' a bonnie flooer, but ridickleous for the size o' 't, 'cep' ye gie 't room. A kirk's ower little for't." "Ye're richt there, my dawtie. And I haena been to the kirk ava'. I hae been to the hills." "And what got ye there?" "I got this upo' the road hame." "But what got ye there?" "Weel, I got the blue lift." "And what was that to ye?"

Ye wad gar the fowk lauch." "What's the richt flooer to tak' to the kirk, Annie?" "Ay! ay! Sic like's what?" asked Cupples, for he had found in Annie a poetic nature that delighted him. "Ow! sic like's thyme and southren-wood, and maybe a bittie o' mignonette." "Ay! ay! And sae the cowmon custom abuses you, young, bonnie lammies o' the flock.

But he had quite another word on the same subject for Annie Anderson, whom he overtook on her way to Howglen-�she likewise returning from the missionar kirk. "Isna that a bonnie ring o' deid man's bells, Annie?" said he, holding out the foxglove, and calling it by its name in that part of the country. "Ay is't. But that was ower muckle a flooer to tak' to the kirk wi' ye.

Wouldn't I like to plant a lot of hop seed and see rows of little green beer bottles humpin' up the dirt. Oh, my! What all does she want done?" Dannie turned another spadeful of earth and studied the premises, while Jimmy gathered the worms. "Palins all on the fence?" asked Dannie. "Yep," said Jimmy. "Well, the yard is to be raked." "Yep." "The flooer beds spaded." "Yep."

He could not hear a sound. What was more, he could not bear it. He went to Jimmy. "Say, Jimmy," he said. "Dinna ye have to gae in fra a drink?" "House or town?" inquired Jimmy sweetly. "The house!" exploded Dannie. "I dinna hear a sound yet. Ye gae in fra a drink, and tell Mary I want to know where she'd like the new flooer bed she's been talking about."

"Who are you?" asked the marquis rather gruffly, as if he had never seen him before. "I beg yer lordship's pardon," said Malcolm, "but they telled me yer lordship wantit to see me, and sent me to the flooer garden. Will I gang, or will I bide?" The marquis looked at him for a moment, frowningly, and made no reply.

"Geranniums!" cried Howieson, who was immensely tickled; "it cowes a'. An' what was the ither flooer 'herbarries'? It's michty; it'ill be poppies an' mustard seed next. Speug, ye'ill be making a book for a present to Bulldog." "Tak care o' yirsel," Bauldie shouted to the Dowbiggins, who were making off, as mass meetings did not agree with them, "an' see ye dinna wet yir feet or dirty yir hands.

"I've tauld ye afore, Marcella. There's no ending tae things! Sometimes the evil comes cropping oot, like when men get caught an' buried on Lashnagar. Sometimes it's something bonny, like yon flooer. Yon apple was meant to live an' bear fruit; the bonny apple's juist the makeweight. It's the seed that matters all the time the life that slides along the tree's life.

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