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The perception by associative memory of these effects of adrenalin, the sensations arising from the organs affected, constitute the emotion of fear. Flight follows by muscle prepared for flight, for the disturbance of the inter-muscular equilibrium tenses the flexor muscles, the muscles of flight, and relaxes the extensor muscles, the muscles of attack.

The joint capsule encompasses the articulation and is attached to the brim of the acetabulum and the edge of the head of the femur. The section passes through the middle of the groove of the trochlea of the tibial tarsal bone. 1 and 2. Proximal ends of cavity of hock joint. 3. Thick part of joint capsule over which deep flexor tendon plays. 4.

Another form is simply a strip of thin sole leather from two to three inches wide by eight long, having little straps and buckles attached to hold it in position on the flexor surface of the wrist and forearm. The bracer not only keeps the arm from injury, but makes for a clean release of the arrow.

These inflammations are usually non-infective in character. The cul-de-sac of the capsular ligament of the fetlock joint which extends upward between the bifurcation of the suspensory ligament is the most frequently affected structure in this region. When distended, two spheroidal masses bulge laterally and anterior to the flexor tendons in a characteristic manner.

It is only in structures such as the bursa intertubercularis or in the sheath of the deep digital flexor that an inflammation causes much pain and is apt to result in permanent lameness. This is due to the peculiar character of the function of such structures.

The hoof is usually rested on the toe, but when advanced beyond the above mentioned vertical line, it may be placed flat on the ground, the joints then being less markedly bent. When the limb as a whole is flexed, it may be brought into normal position by thrusting back the knee with sufficient force to counteract the action of the flexor muscles. Courtesy, Alex.

The following predisposing and accidental causes should be considered: Weak flexor tendons and heavy bodies predispose animals to inflammation of the tendons and suspensory ligament; quality, not size, is the factor to consider when judging the strength of a tendon; long, slender pasterns increase the strain on these structures, and this mechanical strain is further increased by low heels and long toes; the character of the work and the condition of the road that the animal travels over are important factors to consider; trotting and running horses more often suffer from injuries to tendons and ligaments than draft horses; travelling at a high rate of speed over an uneven road, slipping and catching the foot in a rut or car track, are common causes; bruises and wounds may result in the tendons becoming inflamed; inflammation of the tendinous sheaths and the tendons as well sometimes occurs in influenza.

If weight-bearing causes symptoms of pain, the affected member will invariably be favored and held in some one of a number of positions. The foot may contact the ground squarely and yet the leg may remain relaxed and free from pressure; volar flexion, in such cases, is indicative of inflammation of a part of the flexor apparatus.

Great strain is put upon these parts because the biceps brachii is the chief inhibiting structure of the scapulohumeral articulation the one which prevents further flexion of the humerus during weight bearing. Passing, as it does, over two articulations, the biceps brachii has a somewhat complicated function, being a flexor of the radius and an extensor of the humerus.

Affection of the expanded portion of the flexor tendon and contiguous structures makes for an organized mass of tissue which is somewhat dense and in some instances painful to the subject when manipulated. This is particularly noticeable in cases where the parts are regularly and repeatedly injured as in habitual kickers. Treatment.