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That Lord Callonby should have converted one whom I believed an implacable foe, into a most obliging friend, was intelligible enough, seeing that his lordship had through life been the patron of the colonel; but why he had so done, and what communications he could possibly have made with regard to me, that Colonel Carden should speak of "my plans" and proffer assistance in them was a perfect riddle; and the only solution, one so ridiculously flattering that I dared not think of it.

It was fortunate that Gyges was there, for I lost my wits entirely; he, of course, kept his presence of mind, and after relieving his feelings in words not exactly flattering to us two, he behaved like a circumspect general. A fool of a doctor came running up and protested that it was all over with poor Bart, for which I gave him a good thrashing."

"Ay," replied the Lady, "or to leave her Grace, and her Grace's minions, to think what silly fly they may next wrap their meshes about. My eldest son is a widower were he not more worthy the flattering hopes with which you have seduced his brother?

If so, what a lively expression of the mixed condition of human fortunes, and not less of another truth equally affecting, viz., the dread conflicts with the will, the mighty agitations which silently and in darkness are convulsing many a heart, where, to the external eye, all is tranquil, that this king, at the very threshold of his public career, at the very moment when he was binding about his brows the golden circle of sovereignty, when Europe watched him with interest, and the kings of the earth with envy, not one of the vulgar titles to happiness being wanting, youth, health, a throne the most splendid on this planet, general popularity amongst a nation of freemen, and the hope which belongs to powers as yet almost untried, that, even under these most flattering auspices, he should be called upon to make a sacrifice the most bitter of all to which human life is liable!

A profound bow was the only reply I made to this flattering speech, and I saw her tremble with joy when I told her that I had brought a lad of twelve with me, whom I intended to place in the best school I could find that he might have a good education. "I will send him myself to Viar, where my nephews are. What is his name? Where is he? I know well what this boy is, I long to see him.

"But not the kind of love you offer me." "How do you know?" cried he. "I have not told you yet how I feel toward you. I have not " "Oh, yes, you have," interrupted she. "This is the second no, the third time you have seen me. So, the love you offer me can only be of a kind it is not in the least flattering to a woman to inspire. You needn't apologize," she went on, laughingly.

Even when Zeal came back from Norway or Sorrento looking almost well, she never permitted Gwynne to escape, to see so much as a corner of her ego that might disturb the image of herself she had created in his mind; and when she met Brathland and her senses swam with the subtle scent of strawberry leaves, she saw no reason for losing the stimulating society and flattering attentions of the brightest star in the political firmament.

I remained near an hour in conference with their Majesties in the tea-room; a very distinguished honour, I assure you, as even the lords in waiting are scarcely ever admitted during meals: I was highly flattered at the very gracious and flattering reception I met with.

"The man seems to me," she said, "to have good taste; you can't expect me to blame him. I really don't know anything more flattering to a woman than to please a worn-out palate. After " "A truce to nonsense, Celestine. Spare a much-tried man. I cannot get an audience of the minister, and my honor is at stake." "Good heavens, no!

No, nor one of these overdressed New-York chickens, neither, but cute and bright " "Oh, you're just flattering me, Mr. Schwirtz. Mr. Hunt told me I should watch out for you." "No, no; you got me wrong there. 'I dwell on what-is-it mountain, and my name is Truthful James, like the poet says! Believe me, I may be a rough-neck drummer, but I notice these things." "Oh!... Oh, do you like poetry?"