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Updated: August 1, 2024

It was, indeed, a part of the firm's philosophy that what you lacked in substance you must make up in show. There, too, was a door leading into Topman's private office, furnished with exquisite good taste. Topman was the great financial monument of the firm. Gusher did the elegant and ornamental.

There were signs, however, that the thing was to be forced upon him. "I am very pleased indeed to meet you here, Tavernake," Mr. Dowling went on, "pleased both for personal reasons and because it shows, if I may be allowed to say so, the interest which you take in the firm's business, that you should devote your holiday to coming and er surveying the scene of our exploits, so to speak.

The travelled Moslem will shake his head and say that he has seen the firm's showrooms, and their principal lines appeared to be Labour trouble, profiteering and diluted Bolshevism, with a particularly tawdry fabric of party politics.

But I don't see what you stand to lose and anyway you'll get carried over those July payments," Newmark reminded him. Heinzman was plainly uneasy and slightly afraid of these new waters in which he swam. "If you reduce the firm's profits, he iss going to suspect," he admonished. "Who said anything about reducing the firm's profits?" said Newmark impatiently.

"Heaven help me, Babs, I didn't. I tried to guess at something too impossible even for the advertising business! But I failed! I failed! You and my official gang, then, are here with the firm's blessing, free of all commands and obligations, but drawing salary and expenses?" "Yes," admitted Babs. "And so are you." "I get off!" said Cochrane firmly. "Forward my resignation.

Hull's telephone bell rang the one connecting with the firm's private office on 'change, and the latter jumped to seize the receiver. "Yes?" he inquired, irritably. "Two thousand shares of American offered at two-twenty! Shall I take them?"

"Because I just sent it Rudy Feinholz a check for the premium," Morris said, and walked out of the show-room before Abe could enunciate all the profanity that rose to his lips. Louis Feinholz's order was shipped the following week, and with it went the cape for his show window. Abe himself superintended the packing, for business was dull in the firm's show-room.

He got deeply in debt; he borrowed money on the firm's credit, as quietly as he could, and carried this system so far and so successfully that one morning the sheriff took possession of the establishment, and the two cousins found themselves penniless. Times were hard, now, and they grew worse. Edward moved his family into a garret, and walked the streets day and night, seeking work.

A competent bookkeeper was employed early in the year, and in keeping our accounts at Wichita, looking after our shipments, keeping individual interests, by brands, separate from the firm's, he was about the busiest man connected with the summer's business.

All the more important brokerage firms had offices on the ground floor of the building, offices that had two entrances, one giving upon the street, and one upon the corridor of the Board. Generally the corridor entrance admitted directly to the firm's customers' room. This was the case with the Gretry-Converse house. Once in the customers' room, Jadwin paused, looking about him.

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