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She came to meet him, smiling her glad welcome. "It seemed that you were gone hours," she explained. "I never saw such a dreary, lonesome place as this sleepy little town. It gives me the fidgets," she concluded laughingly. "These old mining camps have atmospheres all their own," he admitted understandingly.

Briggs, on the other side of the empty chair, seemed more uneasy than ever. What was the matter with Briggs? Didn't he like fish? Frederick wondered what Briggs would do in the way of fidgets if he were in his own situation. Frederick kept on wiping his moustache, and was not able to look up from his plate, but that was as much as he showed of what he was feeling.

"What's 'fidgets'?" asked Rose, quite shocked by the way Alice spoke of her mother. "What ladies have," explained Alice. "Don't your mother have 'em?" "I guess not. I never heard about them," Rose answered. "Then if your mother is sick, I don't suppose she can help it. It is lucky you have got a mammy." Russ did not mind his ducking much.

With every one of the last three words he made a snatch at Rudolf, trying his best to bite him, and at the same time dodging cleverly the blows Rudolf was now dealing on all sides with his sword. Ann had picked up a little stick and was doing her best to help Rudolf in his battle. "I know you," she cried, turning angrily on the Fidgets, "you horrid little things!

It's his place to make some kind of a strong action now to show Jane he is a great man. But he don't do it. And Jane is too much of a thoroughbred to show him she expects it. And me, I'm getting the fidgets and wondering to myself, "What is that there perfessor up to now? Whatever it is, it ain't like no one else. He is looney, that perfessor is. And she is kind o' looney, too.

She disliked ostentation, and never wore those ornamental fidgets ladies delight in, but she would take a piece of priceless lace to cover her head when she went to water her flowers.

"Well, I scared 'em away, didn't I?" he asked triumphantly, and then, hanging his head a little, he added in rather a humble tone, "It's pretty poor sport hunting Fidgets, I know, but it's about all I can get nowadays. Hope they didn't hurt you?" he added politely.

"But I looked forward to the daylight and you to bring me back to normal." "Well, here we are," he hastened to assure her. "I had the sun up ready for you several hours ago." "You you look so serious." She leaned forward. "Monte," she pleaded, "you must n't go back on me like that now. I suppose women can't help getting the fidgets once in a while and thinking all sorts of things. I was tired.

I have no time for that now. You see there's nobody else to protect that poor Giraffe from being too rational. 'Is that her great danger? said Mary. 'Take my advice, Mary, let her alone. Follow your own judgment, and not poor Jem's fidgets. He wants to be 'father, mother both, and uncle, all in one, and so he misses his natural vocation of elder brother.

Geography and arithmetic shall be my share, and you may have the writing and spelling; it gives me the fidgets to set copies', and hear children make a mess of words. Shall I get the books when I buy the other things? Can I go this afternoon?" "Yes, here is the list; Bab gave it to me. You can go if you will come home early and have your tooth filled."