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Of course she kept on telling herself all the time what a foolish old woman she was, and how silly Mr Ogilvie would think her if he only knew of all her little fussy preparations; men who had knocked about the world hated to be fidgeted over and made much of, and no doubt it was quite natural they should.

Gutchall fidgeted. "Why, er, I was hoping you'd let me have a little gun." He held his hands about six inches apart. "A pistol, that I could put in my pocket. It wouldn't look right, to carry a hunting gun on the Lord's day; people wouldn't understand that it was for a work of mercy." The lawyer nodded. In view of Gutchall's religious beliefs, the objection made sense.

He and the child get on better than they used to. 'There is no doubt about that, said Lady Pinkerton. 'If you don't know it, Percy, I had better tell you. Men never see these things. He is falling in love with her. Lord Pinkerton fidgeted about the room. 'Rilly. Rilly. Very amusing. You used to think it was Clare, dearest.

It's Hannah that's got that notion. Fust she was dead sot on my workin' here and now she's just as sot on my leavin'." "Do you know why she's so what do you call it? sot?" Kenelm fidgeted and looked foolish. "Well," he admitted, "I I wouldn't wonder if 'twas account of you, Imogene. Hannah knows I I like you fust rate, that we're good friends, I mean.

Through that space he could see across the yard to the fence running round the allotment, and beyond it to the dark line of the bush, rendered the darker at the moment by the soft sheen of the rising moon showing above it. A silence followed his movement, a silence during which she fidgeted uneasily and impatiently. "You do not answer," she said presently. "Shall I go on?"

His sister rose after a while, and commenced walking up and down in the same manner on the opposite side of the table, and in the course of half an hour they took their leave. Landor, in commenting on this passage, says it is evident that Willis 'fidgeted the Lambs, and seems rather unaccountably annoyed at his having alluded to Crabb Robinson simply as 'a barrister.

Unfortunately, the proper care is seldom given." "What would you call proper care?" asked Catherine. "Entire absence of self-indulgence, to begin with," he answered "No child should be permitted to have its own way or expect to have it. The first great lesson of life should be renunciation of self." A faint colour crept into Catherine's faded cheeks. Mr. Harland fidgeted in his chair.

And then, in graceful recognition of the little man's rights as owner of the eyes in question, he bowed to Monsieur Choucru. Madame was inexpressibly charmed. Monsieur smiled, fidgeted, and cast longing glances towards the door. "I have eighty dinners on hand," he began again, "and if M'sieur will excuse me...."

She questioned him as to when he had moved into the back room, and, finding it to be not long before her father's departure, guessed that discomfort, like the husks of the prodigal son, had awakened the thing dignified by the name of duty. For a little she sat in silence, thinking matters over. Johnny smoked hard at the stump of his cigar, mended the fire and fidgeted, looking sideways at her.

'Twas not done in any rough unmannerly way, not at all; he had fidgeted with the door a long time so as to wake her, and when she rose up on her elbow and asked, "What's the matter; can't you find your way in this evening?" he understood the question was meant for some one else, and it went through him like a needle; like a sabre. He walked back home no walking-stick, no whistling.