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10 Præterea rex Scotiæ & barones sui prænominati assecurauerunt, quod ipsa bona fide, & sine malo ingenio, & sine occasione facient vt episcopi & barones & cæteri homines terræ suæ, qui non affuerunt quando rex Scotiæ cum domino rege finiuit: eandem ligiantiam & fidelitatem domino regi & Henrico filio suo quam ipsi fecerunt, & vt barones, & homines qui affuerunt obsides, Liberabunt domino regi de quibus habere voluerit.

The trip was my main object, and I should have been perfectly contented with terms that paid all the expenses of it. auctius fecerunt, and I came home from my ramble with a good round sum in my pocket. I was not greedy of money in those days, and had no unscriptural hankerings after laying up treasure upon earth.

For if a man can be partaker of God's theatre, he shall likewise be partaker of God's rest. Et conversus Deus, ut aspiceret opera quae fecerunt manus suae, vidit quod omnia essent bona nimis; and then the sabbath. In the discharge of thy place, set before thee the best examples; for imitation is a globe of precepts.

"Well, madame, the day has come, the great day when Jansoulet will confound his enemies confundantur hostes mei, quia injuste iniquitatem fecerunt in me because they have unjustly persecuted me." The old lady bent religiously before the Latin of the Church, but her face expressed a vague expression of uneasiness at this idea of enemies and of persecutions.

Non libet enim mihi deplorare vitam, quod multi et ei docti saepe fecerunt, neque me vixisse paenitet, quoniam ita vixi, ut non frustra me natum existimem, et ex vita ita discedo tamquam ex hospitio, non tamquam e domo; commorandi enim natura divorsorium nobis, non habitandi dedit.

Confundantur hostes mei, quia injuste iniquitatem fecerunt in me, because they have persecuted me unjustly." The old woman bowed devoutly to the Church Latin; but her face assumed a vague expression of uneasiness at the idea of enemies and persecutions. "Those enemies are numerous and powerful, noble lady, but let us not be alarmed beyond measure.

Mystic. tr. iii. disp. v. section 3. See Inner Fortress, vi. 8, section 3. Section 17, infra. See Relation, vii. section 26. Inner Fortress, vi. 8, section 3. Ch. xxv. section 1. Cant. vi. 4: "Averte oculos tuos a me, quia ipsi me avolare fecerunt." St. John of the Cross, Mount Carmel, bk. ii. ch. xxix. n. 6, Engl. trans. Acts x. 34: "Non est personarum acceptor Deus." St.

Peter's at Louvain, which is now in ruins and level with the street, was a great bell of splendid tone, bearing the following inscription: "Claes Noorden Johan Albert de Grave me fecerunt Amstel odamia, MDCCXIV." Haweis mentions also the names of Bartholomews Goethale, 1680, who made a bell now in St.

For as it becomes none but great poets to make use of the poetical licence, so it is intolerable for any but men of great and illustrious souls to assume privilege above the authority of custom: "Si quid Socrates ant Aristippus contra morem et consuetudinem fecerunt, idem sibi ne arbitretur licere: magnis enim illi et divinis bonis hanc licentiam assequebantur."

"Salve bene," said the priest, in some surprise. "Quomodo vales?" asked Tozer. "Optime valeo, Dei gratia. Spero vos valere." Tozer found the priest's pronunciation a little difficult, but managed to understand him. "Domine," said he, "sumus viatores infelices et innocentes, in quos fures nuper impetum fecerunt. Omnia bona nostra arripuerunt " "Fieri non potest!" said the priest.