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Ex facili==facile. A frequent form of expression in T., ad Graecorum consuetudinem. Dr. See R. Exc. 24. Singulos binos. Distributives==one for each tribe two for each tribe. Aeque aeque. Like Greek correlatives; alike fatal to their subjects in either case. Mem. 1, 6, 13; Plat. Symp. 181. Alterius manus centuriones, alterius servos. Wr.

Speaking of the trial by jury, as established by Magna Carta, he calls it, "A privilege which is couched in almost the same words with that of the Emperor Conrad two hundred years before: 'nemo beneficium suum perdat, nisi secundum consuetudinem antecessorum nostrorum, et, judicium parium suorum. The difference between this reading and the other is important.

For as it becomes none but great poets to make use of the poetical licence, so it is intolerable for any but men of great and illustrious souls to assume privilege above the authority of custom: "Si quid Socrates ant Aristippus contra morem et consuetudinem fecerunt, idem sibi ne arbitretur licere: magnis enim illi et divinis bonis hanc licentiam assequebantur."

Itaque primum implevi lacentibus papillis manus, mox basio inhaesi, deinde in unum omnia vota coniunxi. Mane sedere in cubiculo coepit atque expectare consuetudinem meam. Scis quanto facilius sit, columbas gallosque gallinaceos emere quam asturconem, et praeter hoc etiam timebam, ne tam grande munus suspectam faceret humanitatem meam.

Sect. 4. Now to the particulars. And first, that which Christ did, Matt. xix. 13, 15, cannot commend unto us the bishopping or confirmation of children by prayer and imposition of hands; for as Maldonat saith rightly, Hebreorum consuetudinem fuisse, ut qui majores erant et aliqua polle bant divina gratia, manuum impositione inferioribus benedicerent, constat ex Gen. xlviii. 14, 15, hac ergo ratione adducti parentes, infantes ad Christum afferebant, ut impositis manibus illis benediceret.

I am therefore to digress with them. And I perceive, ere we know well where they are, they are passed from Scripture to custom. And after he saith, that we are taught by the Apostle’s example inpoints of this nature, of ceremony or circumstance, ever to pitch upon habemus, or non habemus talem consuetudinem.” Ans. 1.