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Updated: September 14, 2024
The drawing differs so essentially from the fresco that it can only be considered as a discarded design for it. It is in the style which Domenico Campagnola, in his Giorgionesque-Titianesque phase, so assiduously imitates. One of the many inaccuracies of Vasari in his biography of Titian is to speak of the St. Mark as "una piccola tavoletta, un S. Marco a sedere in mezzo a certi santi."
In which passage there is a slight obscurity, from the ellipsis of the word sedere, or sese locare; but the meaning is evidently that the other gods did not presume to sit down protinus, that is, in immediate succession to Jupiter, and interpreting his example as a tacit license to do so, until, by a gentle wave of his hand, the supreme father signifies his express permission to take their seats.
For the expression hospes tuus avitus cf. Plautus, Miles 135 paternum suom hospitem. CUM INGRESSUS etc.: i.e. protracted exercise of one kind did not weary him. CUM ... EQUO: though Cic. says in equo vehi, esse, sedere etc. the preposition here is left out because a mere ablative of manner or means is required to suit the similar ablative pedibus.
My armour is the aes triplex of a clear conscience, and a mind nourished by the precepts of philosophy. `For men, says Epictetus, `are disturbed not by things themselves, but by their opinions or thoughts concerning those things. And again, `whosoever will be free, let him not desire or dread that which it is in the power of others either to deny or inflict: otherwise, he is a slave. And of all such gifts as are dependent on the caprice of fortune or of men, I have long ago learned to say, with Horace who, however, is too wavering in his philosophy, vacillating between the precepts of Zeno and the less worthy maxims of Epicurus, and attempting, as we say, `duabus sellis sedere' concerning such accidents, I say, with the pregnant brevity of the poet
The second answer that our opposites hath given us, followeth: They say, that though the apostles did not change their gesture of sitting which they used in the former supper, when all this is granted to us, yet there is as great difference betwixt our form of sitting and that form of the Jews which the apostles used as there is betwixt sedere and jacere. Ans. 1.
"Dopo condottosi Tiziano a Vicenza, dipinse a fresco sotto la loggetta ... il giudizio di Salamone. Appresso tomato a Venezia, dipinse la facciata de' Grimani; e in Padoa nella chiesa di Sant' Antonio alcune storie ... de fatti di quel santo: e in quella di Santo Spirito fece ... un San Marco a sedere in mezzo a certi Santi." These examples prove how inexact Vasari is here once more.
The ships naturally did not come home empty, but often people were not very clear as to whether the articles they brought back came from Africa or America. Again, India ink comes, not from India, but from China. Indian corn comes from America. Sedan chairs had nothing to do with Sedan in France, but probably take their name from the Latin verb sedere, "to sit."
The archdeacon returned to his chamber dumbfounded, comprehending at last who Gossip Tourangeau was, and recalling that passage of the register of Sainte-Martin, of Tours: Abbas beati Martini, SCILICET REX FRANCIAE, est canonicus de consuetudine et habet parvam proebendam quam habet sanctus Venantius, et debet sedere in sede thesaurarii.
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