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Updated: July 31, 2024

Gideon Spilett had not left Herbert, who, it was only too certain was now seized by an intermittent fever, and this fever must, be cured at any cost before it should assume a more serious aspect. "And in order to cure it," said Spilett to Cyrus Harding, "we need a febrifuge." "A febrifuge," answered the engineer. "We have neither Peruvian bark, nor sulphate of quinine?"

There are those whose patrons do not know the titillating effects of champagne; and there are those where the management serves no other form of febrifuge. Club members naturally need no introduction to one another, with the result that such formalities are here entirely dispensed with.

That is why it is better for men of extremely opposite opinions not to meet. I dare say Radicalism has a function, and so long as it respects the laws I am ready to encounter it where it cannot be avoided. Pardon my prosing. 'Recommend me some hard books to study through the Winter, said Cecilia, refreshed by a discourse that touched no emotions, as by a febrifuge. Could Nevil reply to it?

The amulet fastened round her neck she held in high honor, not because it was a febrifuge, but because it was the solitary memento of her mother which she possessed. Her husband, also, was motherless. He, too, had never known a mother's love. Perhaps, too, she shed a few tears as she threw behind the fire a certain carefully folded up bundle of papers.

It is doubtful whether the aboriginal inhabitants of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador were acquainted with the virtues of the cinchona plant as a febrifuge. It seems probable, nevertheless, that the Indians of Loxa, two hundred and thirty miles south of Peru, were aware of the qualities of the bark, for there its use was first made known to Europeans.

Merton construed the word as 'febrifuge, silently, and asked: 'Have you taken the young lady much into society: has she had many opportunities of making a choice? You are dissatisfied with the choice, I understand, which she has made? 'I don't let her see anybody if I can help it. Fire and powder are better kept apart, and she is powder, a minx!

"Edith is right," said the old lady; "you must go instantly to bed, my lord, and take some febrifuge, which I will prepare with my own hand; and my lady-in-waiting, Mistress Martha Weddell, shall make some friar's chicken, or something very light. I would not advise wine. John Gudyill, let the housekeeper make ready the chamber of dais. Lord Evandale must lie down instantly.

I knew well what these red spots of the forest were. They were clumps of cinchona trees those trees that yield the celebrated febrifuge the Peruvian bark! New ideas passed rapidly through my mind. "Our fortune is gone," thought I. "Here is a fortune in these valuable trees. Here is a mine that only requires to be worked. I shall turn cascarillero I shall be a bark-hunter."

We are told that Alessandro Volta's wife was ill with fever, and that he, in accordance with the practise of his day, was preparing the usual febrifuge, a broth of skinned frogs; it was a rainy day, and when he hung up the dead frogs on the iron bar of the window, he noticed that their legs contracted. "If dead muscles contract, it must mean that some external force has penetrated them."

The seeds which are to prolong the race, innumerable according to the need, are made beautiful and palatable, varied into infinitude of appeal to the fancy of man, or provision for his service; cold juice, or flowing spice, or balm, or incense, softening oil, preserving resin, medicine of styptic, febrifuge, or lulling charm; and all these presented in forms of endless change.

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