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The bark-tree, which she has provided as the only effectual febrifuge in the deadly heats of the inferior region; the cyprus and melastoma, with their superb violet blossoms; gigantic fuchsias of every possible variety, and evergreen trees of lofty stature, covered with flowers, adorn that delightful zone.

She knew but little Italian, but could understand that the cordial was a febrifuge of some sort. Her father, her mother, and all the household were anxious for her recovery, and she resolved to obey her husband's directions. Whatever the risk, if any, she was prepared to run it. A glass of water was brought, and the drops dropped in. The effect, though not miraculous, was remarkable.

And by and by Santa goes to sleep; and Doc feels her forehead; and he says to me: 'You're not such a bad febrifuge. But you'd better slide out now; for the diagnosis don't call for you in regular doses. The little lady'll be all right when she wakes up. "I seen old McAllister outside. 'She's asleep, says I. 'And now you can start in with your colander-work.

It is balsamic for mental wounds. It is a tonic for those who need strength, and an anodyne for those who require soothing, and a febrifuge for those who want their blood cooled; a filling up for minds pumped dry, a breviary for the superstitious with endless matins and vespers, and to the Christian an apocalyptic vision where the morning sun gilds the waters, and there is spread before him "a sea of glass mingled with fire."

And by and by Santa goes to sleep; and Doc feels her forehead; and he says to me: 'You're not such a bad febrifuge. But you'd better slide out now; for the diagnosis don't call for you in regular doses. The little lady'll be all right when she wakes up. "I seen old McAllister outside. 'She's asleep, says I. 'And now you can start in with your colander-work.

I will try your patience no longer with this gossip, so believe me, friend Allan, Your hearty friend and well-wisher, John Clark. Dr. Darling's 'assistance, in the shape of some medicine, acting as a febrifuge and preservative against the ague, arrived soon; after which Clare felt strong enough to make another attempt towards finding work.

Seymour was awoke by the old beldame from a dream in which the form of Emily blessed his fancy to take the fatal draught now poured out and presented to him. Accustomed to the febrifuge at certain hours, he drank it off in haste, that he might renew his dreaming happiness. "What is it? It burns my throat!" cried Seymour.

They can regard her as a Mohammedan ward or a houri or a Princess of Babylon, just as they choose. Pasquale must be right. A hundred remembered incidents go to prove it. I recollect now that Judith has rallied me on my obtuseness. The sole end of all my Aunt Jessica's manoeuvring is to marry me to Dora, and Dora, like Barkis, is willing. Marry Dora! The thought is a febrifuge, a sudorific!

I knew well what these red spots of the forest were. They were clumps of cinchona trees those trees that yield the celebrated febrifuge the Peruvian bark! "New ideas passed rapidly through my mind. `Our fortune is gone, thought I. `Here is a fortune in those valuable trees. Here is a mine that only requires to be worked. I shall turn cascarillero I shall be a bark-hunter.

Will it, therefore, set a broken arm or draw a tooth? Most certainly not. Does it follow, then, that it will cure a cough or sore throat? Not at all. Will it cure sore eyes? No; or sprains? Far from it. No, no, my most excellent ladies and gentlemen, let us not form unreasonable expectations; day is not night; summer is not winter; nor is a horse-medicine a febrifuge.