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Professor Featherwit had resumed his scrutiny of yonder body of water, slowly turning his glasses while holding the air-ship on a true course and even keel.

Professor Featherwit now gleaned from his nephews pretty much all they could tell him concerning sights and events since his departure in quest of the exile. That proved to be very little more than he had already learned, and contained still less which seemed of especial benefit to that particular enigma awaiting solution.

Another outbreak like that and I'll lock your lips, if I have to send a bullet through your mad brain!" "I forgot. I could not wait longer, knowing that my loved ones " "You forgot that the lives of all depend upon our remaining at liberty," coldly interrupted Featherwit. "Without this means of conveyance, how can your loved ones escape?

"That's enough, beware its mate!" cried the professor, keenly alert for whatever might ensue; but the words were barely across his lips when, with a vicious snarl, a furry shape came flying through the air, knocking Featherwit over as he instinctively ducked his head with arm flying up as additional guard.

Professor Featherwit broke into a queerly sounding laugh, as he waved his free hand in exultation before speaking: "Where no living being ever was before us, my lads, riding the tornado like a ugh!" The air-ship gave an awkward lurch just then, and down went the little professor to thump his head heavily against one corner of the locker.

There was naught of debility, either of body or of mind, to be read in that figure, and with his fears on that particular point set at rest, for the time being, Professor Featherwit called out, distinctly: "Is it all well with you, my good friend? Can you hold fast until the shore is reached, think?" "Heaven bless you, yes!" came the reply, in half-choked tones. "If I fail in giving thanks "

"Ten years, and ever since I have been here, helpless to extricate myself, doomed to a living death, which none other can ever fully realise! Doomed to to " His voice choked, and he turned away to hide his emotions. Professor Featherwit thoroughly appreciated the interruption which came through Waldo's lips just at that moment. "Oh, I say, uncle Phaeton!" "What is it, lad?

Thanks to that guidance, but little time was cut to waste, Professor Featherwit taking the flying-machine away from the shore of the lake, floating slowly above the tree-tops, guiding his movements by those below, finally effecting a safe landing in a miniature glade, at no great distance from the "den" alluded to by their new-found friend.

It was a well-screened location, where naught could be seen of the flying-machine until close at hand, yet so arranged as to make a hasty flight a very easy matter should the occasion ever arise. Not until the landing was effected and all made secure, did Professor Featherwit speak again. Then it was with gravely earnest speech which suitably affected his nephews.

"Hurrah for we, us, and company!" cried Waldo, relieving his lungs of a portion of their pent-up energy, then leaning perilously far over the edge of the machine to encourage the queer fish he had hooked. Despite their very natural excitement, caused by this peril and its foiling, Professor Featherwit retained nearly all his customary coolness and presence of mind.