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Updated: August 3, 2024

I see how perfectly well. You always act just this way whenever I invite you to anything. You're not afraid of Pa or me, are you?" "W-e-e-ll, well, I ain't afraid of your Pa 's I know of, but of course, when such a fascinatin' young woman as you comes along, all rigged up to kill, why, it's natural that an old single relic like me should get kind of nervous." Maud clasped her hands.

"Why, for one thing," says I, "he let out that you was the most fascinatin' woman in the world." Another ripply laugh from Bonnie. "The old dear!" says she. "But then, he always was a little silly about me. Think of his never having gotten over it in all these years, though! But he didn't stay to meet me. How was that?"

Them that are young and fascinatin' aren't the best of housekeepers, per'aps." Bessie stood silent for a minute, watching the vigorous rubbing of a dish-cover. "You go and change your frock," Emily said, glancing up at her. "Put on that black-and-white muslin you look your nicest in " "I ought to wear all black for a year, Emily." "You put on your black and white," coaxed Emily. Mrs.

How 'bout it, Perez?" "More fool you, that's all I've got to say," replied Captain Perez stoutly. Miss Patience laughed so heartily at this rejoinder that Perez began to think he had said a very good thing indeed, and so repeated it for greater effect. "You want to look out for him, Miss Davis," said Captain Eri. "He's the most fascinatin' youngster of his age I ever see.

Ross-Ellison drew hard and the cigar was lit. He puffed luxuriously and sighed. "Gad! That's good," he said, "May some one do as much for you, old chap, when you come to be er no, I don't mean that, of course.... Haven't had a smoke for weeks. Yes you can smoke without hands after all but not for long without feeling the inconvenience. Fascinatin' sight to watch...."

There's something terrible fascinatin' about a man in that position." "I don't see anything immodest in it," said Mrs Bosenna looking up. She was on her knees and had just finished pressing the earth about the roots of a small rose-bush. "The house is mine, and naturally I am curious to know something about my tenant."

"'Shore! says this pinfeather party to Texas Thompson, who, outen pity for him, takes the bridegroom over to the Red Light, to be refreshed; 'shore! while thar's no one that egreegious to go claimin' that my Abby's doo to grade as "cornfed," all the same she's one of the most fascinatin' ladies, that is, an' give her a gun, in all the len'th an' breadth of Arizona.

And to kinder skair him I sez agin, "Do you, a Christian deacon, want to act frisky and go pleasure-huntin' at your age?" "Why," sez he, "Serenus sez it is the most entrancin'ly beautiful and fascinatin' spot on earth. He sez, and can prove, it is the biggest playground in the hull world, to say nothin' of what you can learn there, and folks come from foreign countries jest to see it.

They ain't the stary, baby blue sort, you know. China blue describes 'em best, I guess; and they're the calm, steady kind that it's sort of restful and fascinatin' to watch. Almost before we know it she's stepped to the front and started in on the programme. Italian folk songs is what is down on the card, and she leads off with that swingin' rollickin' piece, "Santa Lucia." You've heard it, eh?

For a little thing, almost a half portion, as you might put it, she has quite a figure, slim and graceful. And them pansy brown eyes can light up sort of fascinatin', I expect. And being so fresh from the country I suppose she can't dope out what a cheap shimmy lizard Lester is. It's a wonder some of the other typists hadn't put her wise. They're usually good at that.

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