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Updated: August 7, 2024

"Ah, you English," he said, "you are extraordinaire." Suddenly taking me by the arm, he led me to an outhouse. At the door we met his Captain. Introducing me, he began to explain my wishes. By the looks and the smiles, I knew things were going well for me. Calling the interpreter, the Captain said, "If you accompany my men to the trenches you may get killed. You must take all risks.

Zizi for the first time had his doubts about its being merely electricity. 'C'est d'une puissance extraordinaire, was the widow's whispered, eager verdict. 'C'est que j'ai enormement de fluide ce soir, declared Zizi, with pride and confidence, yet mystified. The other two exchanged frequent glances of surprise, of wonder, of keen expectancy and anticipation.

The name of this extraordinary director of Domaine Extraordinaire was M. de la Boullerie, and, when we fall in with the name of a really good-hearted man, we delight to record it.

LUIGI. I have noted also in the faightyng of your fielde, how your horsemen were repulced of the enemies horsemen: for whiche cause thei retired to the extraordinaire Pikes: whereby grewe, that with the aide of theim, thei withstode, and drave the enemies backe?

The young officer, having apparently waited till he had finished with his knife and fork, was leaning his cheek on his fist, looking at nobody, and quietly humming a part of the air. Mr. Pericles complimented and thanked him. "But you have ear for music extraordinaire!" he said. Adela patted her brother fondly, remarking "Yes, when his feelings are concerned."

"Monsieur Pembroke," exclaimed the old gentleman, "C'est abominable, outrageous, Mon Dieu, what insult!" "Manners," said Tom, "kindly search that gentleman and put his firearms out of his reach." "Monsieur, c'est extraordinaire. I protest." "Quick, Ezra," replied Tom, "or one of us is likely to know how it feels to have a bullet in his skin. Up with your hands, marquis."

Une si extraordinaire aventure ne pouvoit manquer de produire

Moulton had promised to send the carriage to meet l'envoi extraordinaire; but Henry, finding none, started to walk toward home, followed by a porter carrying his extra baggage. What was Henry's astonishment at seeing Louis drive out of the Hotel de Ville with two strange men in the coupe.

You will hear of Auguste de St. Gre at Versailles, at Trianon, at Chantilly, and peut-etre " "It is a worthy campaign, Monsieur," I interrupted. A distant sound broke the stillness, and Auguste was near to dropping the candle on me. "Adieu, Monsieur," he whispered; "milles tonneres, I have done one extraordinaire foolish thing when I am come to this house to-night."

Madame was markedly civil to them, and even addressed them from time to time as "bons enfants," in imitation of our phrase "dear boys"; but more frequently, in watching the terms on which they lived with the family, she would throw up her little brown hands and exclaim, "Ménage extraordinaire!" I am sure she thought us a strange household in more ways than one, but I think she grew fond of us.

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