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You can exonerate him from this infamous charge of robbery; you can restore him to his honorable position. You can do more than this, monsieur. He loves Mlle. Madeleine." "Madeleine shall be his wife, monsieur," interrupted the banker: "I give you my word of honor. And I will so publicly exonerate him, that not a shadow of suspicion will rest upon his name.

"Pardon me: I laughed because my little friend Adelaide was so cross at your skating. It was fun to see her so angry." "I saw no fun in it," Leam returned. "I only saw that she was angry with me, and impertinent, and that then you laughed at me." "I swear to you I did not," cried Edgar earnestly. "Will you believe me? Tell me, Miss Dundas, that you exonerate me from such a charge.

If Herresford consented to add lie to lie, and to exonerate Dick by acknowledging the checks, all might yet be well. Now, when his wife came in, with flushed face and lips working in anger, he cried out, tremulously: "Well, Mary?" "It is useless, worse than useless!" she answered. "He is quite impossible, as I told you." "Then, he will not lend us the money?" "No, indeed, no.

No. 3 having failed to serve the vent, there was a premature explosion, and No. 1, being about to withdraw the rammer, fell heavily to the ground, apparently dead. No. 3, seeing what a calamity he had caused, hung over the dead man and begged him to speak and exonerate him from blame.

Hippy, David and Reddy have a new one, too. Reddy says it's 'marvelously extraordinary and appallingly great." "I can imagine it to be all that and more if Hippy had anything to do with its origin," said Nora. "Wasn't it nice of Miss Thompson to exonerate us publicly?" asked Anne. "She is always just," replied Grace. "I can't understand how Eleanor could be so rude and disagreeable to her.

Now that, in all human probability, peace is assured, now that external dangers no longer threaten the existence of our Empire, there is nothing to exonerate us from the serious and sacred obligation to commence the greatest and most powerful work of reform that humanity can undertake. Then our path will lead us from the conquest of nations to self-conquests."

It would exonerate her from guilt; it would prove that, rather than having any intention of committing crime, she had taken the only means within her power of preventing one. The real Gypsy Nan, Danglar's wife, who had died that night, bad, even in eleventh-hour penitence, refused to implicate her criminal associates.

He had, until now, I found, suspected that Manilick had instigated the attack on us, if he had not taken part in it, and he wished openly to exonerate him. Kepenau questioned me as to the dress and appearance of the Indians who had made us prisoners. From my description he was satisfied that they were really Sioux, and that Manilick had nothing to do with them.

"No, sir," said Ben Platt, firmly. "We want justice done; that is all." "You shall have justice all of you!" exclaimed Socrates, carried beyond the limits of prudence. "I am glad to hear that, sir," said Hector. "If you do not at once exonerate me from this charge, which you know to be false, and write to my guardian retracting it, I will bring the matter before the nearest magistrate."

"I was just outside the door," said John. "We'll put him into the sick-room, Mr. Rutford. And in a day or two he'll be himself again." "Are you sure that what I er feared er ?" The doctor frowned. "The boy has had brandy, of course." "Mrs. Puttick and Lovell gave him plenty of that," John interpolated. "I believe you can exonerate the boy entirely," said the doctor.