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This fits in well with the story, and in some measure goes to confirm it. For example, in 1637 the Bishop of Bath and Wells sent Joice Hunniman to Lord Wrottesley to examine her and exonerate her. He did so, and the bishop wrote thanking him and abusing "certain apparitors who go about frightening the people." See Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports, II, app., p. 48.

He might have been thought a visitor there, but, at the next moment, his red whiskers reappeared between the turned-up collar of his mantle as he showed his head under the cornice of oak. For what motive had the officer and nobleman stooped to skulking and prying. One alone would amply exonerate the son of Mars devotion to Venus.

They had remained to advise and suggest, greatly worried at the whole situation, the more so because it involved Leslie Cloud, whose bright presence had taken great hold upon everybody. And now, without knowing it, Leslie Cloud had taken the one way to put the whole matter into the right hands and to exonerate herself.

It takes me back two and a-half years in the history of my lady's life; but I have still a blank of three years to fill up before I can exonerate her from my terrible suspicion. Good evening." Robert shook hands with the surgeon and returned to his uncle's room. He had been away about a quarter of an hour.

'Upon my word, he said, making a halt, after a great number of very rapid turns, 'I hardly know what to do. 'Surely, said Rose, 'the poor child's story, faithfully repeated to these men, will be sufficient to exonerate him. 'I doubt it, my dear young lady, said the doctor, shaking his head. 'I don't think it would exonerate him, either with them, or with legal functionaries of a higher grade.

There were not many connected links of cause and effect in the old man's muddled brain, but the value of water, for irrigating purposes only, had a firm lodgment there, along with the advantages to be derived from friendliness with the owner of a winery. There stirred in him a groveling desire to exonerate Forrester. "They're blastin', be they?

But, strange to say, this reasonable expectation was not verified. In the United States Senate, on the 26th of February, 1901, an attempt was made to exonerate Messrs. McKenzie and Noyes.

Robespierre has been accused of aspiring to the Dictatorship, and his defence was by no means calculated to exonerate him from the charge. All the chiefs reproach each other with being the authors of the late massacres, and each succeeds better in fixing the imputation on his neighbour, than in removing it from himself.

The whole story is told very graphically in a passage of Gordon's own diary: "I determined to send the Abbas down with an Arab captain. Herbin asked to be allowed to go. I jumped at his offer. Then Stewart said he would go if I would exonerate him from deserting me. I said, 'You do not desert me.

"A friend of mine, a No; I had better be frank with you: the girl this fellow was engaged to for a year or more." "And Ephie did not know that?" He shook his head. "But you knew, and yet took her there?" It was a hopeless job to try to exonerate himself. "Yes, there were reasons I couldn't help it, in fact. But I'm afraid I should not be able to make you understand."