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Louise was on the scene armed with my keys and Mrs. Ess Kay wouldn't hear of letting me do anything myself. "Now, I'll explain why I had to desert you on the dock," she said. "Or perhaps I needn't explain. If you watch Louise unpacking for a few minutes, you'll see for yourself. And I do hope, sweet child, that you'll excuse my taking a liberty." This made me curious.

"Certainly not," he said, taking her into his arms to kiss her several times, then sitting down with her on his knee. "Do you know that you are my great-granddaughter?" "Ess, Elsie knows dat," she answered, nodding her curly head wisely. Meantime greetings had been exchanged among the others, and the four little girls had got into a corner by themselves.

How far's such as her gwaine in life without some person else to lean upon?" "If the ivy cannot find a tree it creeps along the ground, Chrissy." "Ess, it do; or else falls headlong awver the first bank it comes to. Phoebe's so helpless a maiden as ever made a picksher. I mind her at school in the days when we was childer together.

Van der Windt down on me, or on my brother, either, if I can help it." "Thanks for good advice," replied Potter airily. "But may be, when you hear what Mrs. Pitchley had to say to me, you'll change your tune." Mrs. Ess Kay raised her eyebrows, but her eyes would look curious. "What could Cora Pitchley say that would have any particular effect on me?" she asked.

But she was at a pitch where the voice of caution had no weight; she wanted what she wanted and in her heart she knew that she was going to Essie Tisdale with the intention of inflicting physical pain. Nothing less would satisfy her. Yet, when the door opened in response to her knock, her upper lip stretched in its straight, mirthless smile. "Hello, Ess!"

"'Ess," nodded Jamie, thrilling with wonderment, and eyeing him critically. Elated with his success, Sunny went on warmly "Yep. Jest a fairy, an' I bro't a heap o' good grub fer you kiddies t' eat." But Vada's small brain was following out its own train of thought, and passed the food question by. "Awful ugly," she said, half to herself. "'Ess," muttered Jamie abstractedly.

I didn't know in the least what she meant; but afterwards she explained that if your neck is always pivoting round, to pry into other people's affairs, it is a Rubber Neck, and I shall remember the expression to tell Stan when I go home. He will like to add it to his collection of strange beasts. Mrs. Ess Kay partly turned her back upon Sally. One would have thought I was a trained dog!

Ess Kay, "and thanks to you, I've got it, and several others, through without paying duty. I thought you wouldn't mind, you're such a dear pet, and it's been such an accommodation. Not that I care about the money, but I do love to get the best of those Fiends at the Custom House, and I have, for once. You see, it was like this.

"I suppose, sir," observed Jupp inquiringly, picking up all the eatables and putting them together apart on the seat next the little man "I suppose as how them's your provisions for the journey?" "Ess. I ate dindin; an', dat's tea." "Indeed, sir! and very nice things for tea too," said Jupp, beaming with admiration and good-humoured fun.

"The neighborhood calls her Fiddle Flippin," the Judge reminded him. "What's in a name?" said Truxton, and swung his baby high in the air. "Do you love your daddy, Fiddle-dee-dee?" "'Ess," said Fiddle, having accepted him at once on the strength of sweet chocolate, and an adorable doll. "What are they saying?" whispered Aunt Claudia, still tense in the middle of the room.