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Updated: August 6, 2024

And I'll be dumned if there is a man or a Methodist from Maine to Florida that can counsel 'em better about bein' equinomical than I can. "Why, you have always said so," sez he. "You have called it tightness, but I have always known that it wuz pure economy; and now," sez he, "has come the chance of a lifetime, for me to rise up and show myself off before the nation.

And after Krit went away he had come over from Tirzah Ann's that day, and staid to supper with us I sot there alone, for Josiah had took him back in the democrat, and all the circumstances of that time come back onto me agin. It wuz on a Monday that I had my worst trial with him about that Equinomical Counsel, as I remember well.

And he stopped onbuttonin' his vest he had onbuttoned his shirt-collar and took his old necktie off on his way from the gate so ardent and impulsive is my dear pardner, and so anxious to start. "Why," sez he, "I told you, didn't I? I am goin' to Washington to tend to that Equinomical Counsel.

"Crazy or not it will be did; summer squash would look well and be equinomical, I could probable train 'em so you'd seem to be holdin' the squashes in your arms." "Give up the hull skeem, Josiah Allen; don't try to combine love and economy so clost." But he vowed he wouldn't give it up, and I spoze I may see trouble weanin' him from the idee.

How dast you, one weak man, though highly versed in the ways of equinomical tightness how dast you to try and set up and be anybody amid that host?" He looked skairt.

Matt Pike say he jes' know they's money in it, an' special with a housekeeper keerful an' equinomical like you." It is always curious the extent of influence that some men have upon wives who are their superiors. Mrs. Fluker, in spite of accidents, had ever set upon her husband a value that was not recognized outside of his family.

"Think of this instance of their equinomical doin's," sez I, "and tremble. And," sez I, still more impressively and eloquently, "what is pumpkins by the side of that?" His head sunk down lower, and lower. He wuz dumbfoundered to think he had been outdone in his most vital parts, his most tightest ways. He felt truly that even if they would listen to his equinomical counsels, they didn't need 'em.

A man oughter feel willin' to be skelped by sech tender-hearted critters." "Pshaw!" said Aunt Maria. "I don't believe they ever scalp anybody unless it is in self-defence." "Dessay. Them fellers that went down to fight the Apaches was painted up's savage's meat-axes. Probably though 'twas to use up some 'f their paint that was a wastin'. Equinomical, I sh'd say." Mrs.

Blandina and I wanted to go to once to Miss Huff's, a woman we used to know in Jonesville who keeps a small boardin' house. But Josiah, who had seen pictures on't, wanted to go to the Inside Inn. He said they'd advertised cheap rooms, it would have a stylish sound to tell on't in Jonesville and it would be so handy and equinomical for we wouldn't have to pay entrance fees.

He looked pitiful and meek, and sot demute for a couple of minutes. I see that I had convinced him about the Equinomical Counsel; he see that it wouldn't do, and he wouldn't make no more show than a underlin'. But anon, or about that time, he spoke out in pitiful axents

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