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Updated: August 3, 2024

But the great San Philip hauing receiued the lower tire of the Reuenge, discharged with crosse bar-shot, shifted her selfe with all diligence from her sides, vtterly misliking her first entertainement. Some say that the shippe foundred, but we cannot report it for truth, vnlesse we were assured.

At this time the Indian and his three sonnes came downe to our Captaine Master Iames Lancaster and went along with him to the shippe. This night he went aboord the French man who gaue him good entertainement, and the next day fetched eleuen more of vs aboord entreating vs all very courteously.

With that Drake embraced him and gaue him very honourable entertainement, feeding him at his owne table, and lodging him in his cabbin.

For the residue of the points of your Maiesties letters concerning the entertainement of our ambassadour, and proceeding in the cause of Anthonie Marsh we holde our selfe satisfied with your princely answere, and doe therein note an honourable and princely care in your Maiestie to preuent the like troubles, controuersies and sutes, that Marshes cause stirred vp betweene our merchants and your subiects, which is, that your Maiestie doeth purpose from time to time to purge your Countrey of such straglers of our subiects, as doe or shall hereafter abide there, and are not of the Company of our merchants, but contemptuously depart out of our land without our Highnesse licence: of which sort there are presented vnto vs from our merchants the names of these seuerall persons, videlicet, Richard Cocks, Bennet Iackman, Rainold Kitchin, Simon Rogers, Michael Lane, Thomas Worsenham: whom it may please your Maiesty by your princely order to dismisse out of your land, that they may be sent home in the next shippes, to auoid the mislike which their residence in those parts might breed to the disturbance of our brotherly league, and the impeaching of the entercourse.

After which foloweth the Shepheards Spring-Song, for entertainement of King James our most potent Soveraigne. Dedicated to all that loved the deceased Queene, and honor the living King. The book is a strange medley of verse and prose, elegies on Elizabeth in the form of eclogues, and political lectures written in the style of the pastoral romance.

No more rapture; But with the confidence of a lover spread Your equall thoughts, and in your heart and armes Prepare an entertainement for that guest That hath no life or name but what you give. A kisse! and leave our soules to thinke upon The joyes this night attend us. Fra. Sullen day, Do not tire now; tis downehill all the way. Act the Fourth. Capt. Do you meane Mr. Adson's new ayres, Sir?

With much adoe I have brought 'em: the prowde Shellains Are paid too well, and that makes them forget We are their Masters. 1 Burg. But when we tooke them on, Famishd allmost for want of entertainement, Then they cryde out they would do any thing We would commaund them. 1 Cap. And so we say still, Provided it be honest. Giles.

Twas my ambition with some intents To serve you, sir. Please you vouchsafe your privacie, I bring Affaires are worth your entertainement: I have rid hard. Cou. What Cavallier's this, Uncle? Fra. He is the inventor of new proiects, cosen, They say, and patents; one that lives like a moth Upon the Common wealth. Cou. He lookes like one. Ric. You will excuse me, gentlemen.

Chap. 8. How we came to the Towne of Hochelaga, and the entertainement which there we had, and of certaine gifts which our Captaine gaue them, with diuers other things. So soone as we were come neere the Towne, a great number of the inhabitants thereof came to present themselues before vs after their fashion, making very much of vs: we were by our guides brought into the middest of the towne.

My uncle tells your ladiship the truth: We are noe peasants or unhonorable To be affronted with indignities. Suc. Here are men that has seene service. Bunch. At a mustring or ith Artillery garden. Lady. 'Twas past my pleasure, good Sir Geffery, you have had such harch entertainement from them: henceforth Ile lay my charge upon them to be more tractable. Mr. Alexander, goe call my daughters hither.

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