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Grim was no end cocky over that." "Grimmy waste a 'halfer' bottle-washing! Rot! That isn't his form, Wilson." "If," said Poulett, impressively, "he has sunk so low, we must give him an 'elpin' 'and, pore feller!" "Rather. If Lancaster has put the cover over old Grimmy we must get him out somehow. Let's adjourn to see."

So they despised Cecil exceedingly, and refrained from shaking up his mattress when they made his bed. "Er you may tell her I want to speak to her." "Can't, I'm afraid," Sarah said. "Miss Norah's very busy, 'elpin' Mrs. Brown. She don't care to be disturbed." "Can't she spare me a moment?" "Wouldn't ask her to." Sarah lifted her tray and her nose and marched out. Cecil looked black. "Gad!

"Perhaps a clerk's been taking some," said the girl eagerly. Once, but only once, there had been a clerk at Putnam's. The old man was not to be convinced. "Take a tidy-sized clurk to go off with five million in his pocket," he said. "Course I don't say he couldn't do it, Gob 'elpin' 'im. Only he'd be carryin' a lot o' dead weight, as the Psalmist said. Too 'eavily penalised, I should say.

I ain't goin' to risk it by 'avin' a rough-an'-tumble with the daughter of the 'ouse on the hattic stairs. You better leave well alone, Liza. You done your bit, 'elpin' 'er git them trunks orf yes'day." "Wot's the good of 'avin the trunks off if she can't go, too?" demanded Eliza. "Oh, she'll git another chance. Don't worry your 'ead so much over other people's business.

Now, I thought I'd ask ye I said to myself this morning, when I see Miss Dexter the next time, her as is a lady, and no mistake, I'll ask her what would you say, or what your sister have said if someone here right in this village, that is, there in Ipswich, I mean of course, someone who wanted to just be kind and lend an 'elpin 'and, had asked ye or her say her had asked her anytime to marry him, startin' fair, startin' fair, with a year to think on it.

"That's all the thanks I get fer comin' to give a 'elpin' 'and. But I know when I'm not wanted." "Yer don't," said Pinkey, "or yer'd 'ave gone 'ours ago." Mrs Partridge turned to go, the picture of offended dignity, when her eyes fell on an apparition in the doorway, and she quailed.

'I've not been even once since I was married, said Harlow, 'and I sometimes wish to Christ I 'adn't gorn then. 'I don't see as it matters a dam wot a man believes, said Philpot, 'as long as you don't do no 'arm to nobody. If you see a poor b r wot's down on 'is luck, give 'im a 'elpin' 'and. Even if you ain't got no money you can say a kind word.

I never could see why you should go short, an' you all 'elpin' on the war as 'ard as you could." Brownie's indifference to national considerations where her nurselings were concerned was well known, and nobody argued with her. "Any'ow, the cake's there, an' just you try it it's as light as a feather, though I do say it." Once in the kitchen Norah and the boys went no further.

Oh! waitin' for me, lass? I've bin 'elpin' Anthony, an' what's think he's gen me? Nowt b'r a lousy hae'f-crown, an' that's ivry penny " "He thinks you've made the rest up in beer," she said shortly. "An' I 'aven't that I 'aven't. You b'lieve me, I've 'ad very little this day, I have an' all." His voice went tender. "Here, an' I browt thee a bit o' brandysnap, an' a cocoanut for th' children."

And I reckon that this 'ere's the hisland where Turnbull thinks 'e'll find 'is treasure." "No doubt," agreed Leslie. "Well, what do you want me to do?" "Well, sir, it ain't for the likes of me to say just exactly what you ought to do," answered Reynolds. "I thought that maybe if I spinned you the whole yarn you'd be able to think out some way of 'elpin' of us.